This Dad Breaks Down as his 2-Yr-Old Daughter Is Denied Entry on Plane. One Woman Points at Toddler & Says “I Wanna Buy Her Ticket”

As we all know, most major airlines allow children under the age of two to fly for free on domestic flights if they sit on their parent’s lap. Some are even willing to let the child sit in his/her own seat if the plane isn’t at full capacity.

Aware of this common rule, one young father decided to book just one ticket for him and his one-year-old daughter. It seemed like a sensible decision at the time for the hard-working dad on a budget!

However, there was one little glitch that the man didn’t take into account when he purchased the ticket, and it ended up leaving him broken down and helpless in the middle of a busy airport. But thankfully, God planted an angel in disguise to help this devastated dad just when he needed it most.

In a Love What Matters original story, an eyewitness details the touching encounter that has spread like wildfire across the web: “This woman needs to be commended. A gentleman was checking in for his flight when the agent asked how old his daughter was. He said she had recently turned two.

The agent then asked if she had a ticket. The man was confused because he was under the impression she could ride for free. (When he booked the ticket, she was one but her birthday was in January.) He was hit with emotion.

He mentioned he couldn’t afford to rebook this flight or get her the ticket with such short notice. He stepped aside and tried to make a few calls. Hugging his daughter and grabbing his head, you could tell he was heartbroken. This woman next to him at the front counter heard the whole thing. She walked over to him and asked what was wrong. After they talked for a bit they walked up to the counter together.

She pointed back at his daughter and said, ‘I wanna buy her ticket.’ The agent said, ‘You know how much this ticket costs right?’ The woman responded, ‘$700 something?’ ‘$749,’ the agent said.

The woman said ‘that’s fine and pulled out her credit card. I was right there and I just said to her, ‘God Bless You!’ and they printed out the ticket. The agent kept talking about her goosebumps while the man hugged the woman and asked for her name to repay her. The woman just kept saying, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ She knew she wanted to help that man and his daughter no matter what the cost. Please share this story because people like this need to be recognized.”

Since it was posted yesterday, the heartwarming story has been shared and liked over 150,000 times. One comment, in particular, has garnered the attention of over 10,000 Facebook users who are dying to know who this anonymous stranger is and what fuels her compassionate kindness.

Jennica Kettle writes, “I won’t share who this lady is. But I do know her. I asked her once what I could do each day to be successful. Her respond [sic] surprised me. She said each day have reflection time, make a list and don’t leave you’re [sic] desk before the 10 most important things are done, and always give gratitude daily.

I know her family kids and grandkids get together frequently to discuss how they can use the abundance and blessings they get to serve and give back to others. She is an inspiration every time I see her and is constantly giving freely. She is so full of Love for everyone and does what is needed without being asked.”

Wow, what a powerful testament to the kind of freely giving hearts we are called to have as Christians. God bless this beautiful woman for setting an example for us all of what it truly means to be a cheerful giver. May she continue to inspire the masses with her bold generosity and selfless spirit.

“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” ~2 Corinthians 9:6-7