Single Mom Misses Class for Her Baby—Professor’s Jaw-Dropping Email Response Goes Viral

After her email response to a student who missed class went viral, a college professor at the University of Tennessee is receiving all the plaudits.

Morgan King, 21, wrote her lecturer to explain why she couldn’t attend class because she couldn’t find anyone to keep her 3-month-old daughter Korbyn.

The baby’s grandparents generally care her during the day, but Morgan had to scramble that morning due to prior commitments. She had no choice but to stay at home with Korbyn and skip her Human Development Class.

Morgan wasn’t sure how her professor would react after missing a quiz and two study videos. But she had not anticipated the response from Dr. Sally Hunter:

“I’m very sorry you had to miss class today due to childcare difficulties.”

She went on to explain what Morgan had missed, where she might access the videos to study on her own time, and that she was still allowed to submit the day’s homework. Then she persuaded the therapeutic recreation major to do something that few teachers would: bring the infant to class.

“If you have difficulties finding someone to monitor Korbyn in the future, feel free to BRING HER to class with you.” I’d be pleased to hold her while I teach so you can focus on the session and take notes.”

She went on to say:

“I work in the department of Youngster and FAMILY Studies—imagine how awful it would be if I refused to have a child visit our class?” I’m serious about this offer—just bring Korbyn along!”

Dr. H even told Morgan that the quiz she missed would be dropped, and she had counted her absence as “excused,” as if her gracious offer wasn’t enough to make Morgan cry.

Morgan was so taken aback by her professor’s reaction that she posted a photo of the email to Twitter, where it rapidly went viral.

She ended her tweet by saying, “I’m literally bawling.” “I’m so grateful/blessed.”

Morgan told local reporters that just thinking about the thoughtful gesture gives her chills.

“She is genuinely concerned about my success in her class. That really struck a chord with me.”

Morgan claims that Professor Hunter, who doesn’t have a Twitter account, doesn’t think she’s accomplished anything noteworthy, even after knowing that she’s “Twitter Famous.”

Dr. H deserves all the accolades! Her genuine offer to Morgan reflects who she is as a person and educator. It’s unconventional, but it’s what her pupil needs to succeed. It doesn’t get any better than that, does it?