Pierce Brosnan held his daughter as she Di*d of Ov*ri*n Canc*r, he lost his wife the same way 22 years ago

Pierce Brosnan held his daughter as she Di*d of Ov*ri*n Canc*r, he lost his wife the same way 22 years ago

'Believe me, I don't see the cup as half full,' Pierce Brosnan famously stated. Pierce Brosnan can no longer mask the anguish of losing loved ones after a series of disasters have taken over

“Believe me, I don’t see the cup as half full,” Pierce Brosnan famously stated.

Pierce Brosnan can no longer mask the anguish of losing loved ones after a series of disasters have taken over his life. He expressed that from time to time, the gloomy, mournful Irish black dog lies by him.

As a dad who adored his daughter Charlotte, he had to watch helplessly as her body succumbed to ovarian cancer, the same disease that killed his wife Cassandra 22 years before.



The actor remarked at a Stand Up to Cancer event that watching someone you care about having his or her life eaten away bit by bit by this nasty disease becomes an indelible part of your psyche. He held his first wife Cassie’s giving, strong, and beautiful hand as ovarian cancer claimed her life far too soon. Just last year, he touched the hand of his gorgeous, witty daughter Charlotte before she died from this dreadful, genetic sickness.

Cassandra’s previous marriage produced Charlotte and her brother, Christopher. However, once their dad died in 1986, Brosnan was more than pleased to become their formal dad by adopting them and giving them his surname.

Brosan remarked that they simply bonded as a family. He started off as Pierce, then Daddy Pierce, and then just Dad. Charlotte and Chris have been incredible in his life.



Charlotte had just recently married the man she adored, Alex, in 2013, when she died at the age of 41. Pierce Brosnan escorted her down the aisle not long before her fight with illness ended, leaving behind her husband, kids, and a heartbroken dad.



Brosnan wrote in a statement that his beloved daughter Charlotte Emily moved on to everlasting life on June 28 at 2 p.m., having succumbed to ovarian cancer. She was surrounded by her husband Alex, their kids Isabella and Lucas, as well as her brothers Christopher and Sean.

He said, Charlotte battled illness with elegance, humanism, courage, and dignity. Their hearts are crushed with the death of their precious little girl.

In barely over two decades, he sadly lost two of the most significant persons in his life to the same condition. He further stated they pray for her and hope that a treatment for this dreadful sickness will be found soon. They appreciate everyone’s genuine sympathies.

As Brosnan grieved losing his daughter, he recalled how she could always make his daughter laugh. Nancy Ellison, a longtime friend of the actress, Charlotte was the “custodian of laughter.”



“Pierce wrote to me after she died that the most strong memory he had was of always being able to make Charlotte laugh,” Ellison added, describing her as “a lively, almost sort of silly, stunning lady. He wished to be able to make her laugh once more.”

“Just to each side lays sadness and anguish,” Brosnan wrote in an email to Ellison. My head, on the other hand, is unbowed, and my spirit is Irish strong. I have confidence that something beautiful will emerge from it all.”

Ellison, who has known the actor for more than three decades, stated, his anguish transforms him into a poet. That’s something she forgot about him since he doesn’t live in sadness. But anguish hits him now and again, and this flowing poetry flows out of him. This heart bursts open, feeling agony while seeking beauty at the same time.