He’s Been In Foster Care For Most Of His Life. At 13, All Tim Wants Is A Chance To Be Someone’s Son.

We frequently take our parents and those who cared for and raised us for granted, especially if we were fortunate enough to grow up in a loving household. This young boy’s story will remind you that not everyone is as fortunate as he is. Tim, a 13-year-old Texas boy, grew up in the foster care system. Now that he’s a teenager, all he wants is to be called their son.

Tim was placed in foster care when he was three years old. He’s still there, ten years later, for whatever reason. Now a teenager, he went on Wednesday’s Child, a local Dallas news program, in the hopes of finally finding a family that would adore him. Tim is so desperate to be adopted that his caseworker flew him here from another state simply to be a part of the program. He remarked on the show that all he wants is for someone to name him their son.

Tim is currently residing in a foster care residential treatment institution. He has been in a number of foster homes, but none of them have been permanent. Tim claims that he is well-behaved and that a potential family will have no problems with him.

“When I’m at home, I’m an angel.” He described his behavior at the center as “perfect.”

On the broadcast, they presented images of Tim when he was younger. One of him when he was three years old and first enrolled in the system. When he was seven, he had another. His wide, vivid, dazzling blue eyes may be seen in that photo. Tim’s large blue eyes are still there, although they’re looking a little worn these days, as the newscaster pointed out. This is due to his exhaustion. He is tired of being moved around from family to family and longs for a family that will provide him with security, consistency, and, of course, a loving home. He claims that as a result of this, he has problems sleeping at night.

“It’s a little like being in a prison with no walls.” You have runners, but where are you going to run if you run? “There’s nowhere else to go but back to where you came from,” he remarked on the show.

As previously said, Tim simply wants a family who loves him and will not abandon him one day. He wants a family who will not only raise him till he is an adult, but who will also be his ‘family’ for the rest of his life. He’s looking for a place – and people – to call home.

“At the very least, I want a mother and father,” he stated.

He’s looking for someone who is nice, kind, and understanding in a mother. He is aware that mothers are typically concerned about their children since they adore them. Tim wishes to find a mother who cares about him like the ones he’s seen on TV or heard about from his classmates.

“Someone who is concerned and concerned.” I may appear ashamed at times (due to her concern), yet she will still be concerned about my well-being. “Every time I pass through the door, she’ll ask how my day is going,” he stated.

He aspires to have a father who can be his personal idol. Someone who will educate him what it is to be a man by throwing a ball around with him. A father who can serve as a role model for him and whom he can admire.

“If I go outside, he’ll accompany me.” He’ll restore my sense of normalcy.” Tim remarked.

Finally, Tim would like having siblings in his family. He has spent a significant portion of his life alone. Tim’s dream come true would be to have siblings and sisters to play with, get into trouble with, and support as they grow up.

“It gets a little tedious playing by yourself. You can also learn from them,” he added.