Parents Refuse to ABORT Their ‘Deformed’ Baby — Just Look at Him 2 Years Later

One of the most important turning points in a person’s life is the moment they have a baby. A new little girl or boy can change a couple’s life, but it can also break the rules of a family. Preparing for the birth of a child is an important period of time.

During pregnancy, women often visit their obstetrician, and it is natural to worry about the condition of their baby. During this time, parents are also informed of what they can expect from the baby after the birth. They expect their new baby to have their characteristics, grow up and share their interests and values.

It would be bad enough if a couple admitted that something was wrong with the health of their baby. But that’s exactly what happened to this couple who decided to do the best for baby.

A regular scan of her six-month ultrasound revealed that there were complications with pregnancy. Chris Heller and his wife Sara were told that Brody has a cleft lip and palate on both sides that doctors said could cause ongoing health problems. The couple were asked if they wanted to terminate the pregnancy or consider other options.

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This explains why the doctor asked them if they wanted to keep him. The Hellers did not hesitate to confirm beyond doubt that they wanted to keep Brody. They didn’t care what he looked like, but they were willing to deal with any problems he may have after birth.

For more awareness of cleft lips and palates, they wanted to share Little Brody’s challenges with the world through their Facebook and Instagram accounts. But with someone who had a cleft lip and palate it seemed easier to maintain.

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Such abnormalities require special attention from the parents and it can be difficult for babies to eat, drink and smile. In many cases, breathing can also be a problem.

They continue to take a hard line and share Brody’s life with the world, even when people are asking uncomfortable questions. They see these questions as an opportunity to educate others. Sara is prepared to do so even if there is a confrontation, because that is what she wants for Brody in the future. Her dream is for him to stand up for young children who don’t yet have a voice of their own.

But they soon learned that recommending and sharing their lives online could have surprising consequences. Their experience with this way of life brought unexpected and spontaneous gestures of goodness to them.

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In another case, a person they had never met before handed them a note and a check for $1,000. Sara used the money to cover Brody’s hospital costs to repair his lips. She has had other situations where kindness has occurred such as in a restaurant where she received a $1,000 bill. This one is especially touching for such a beautiful baby.

Brody has grown into a happy little boy. Giving birth to a disabled child can be a lifelong adjustment for parents. Disabilities are the result of a number of factors and families must learn to tolerate, accept and celebrate that the child is not what they envisioned. The community plays an important role in this process by providing opportunities for children with disabilities.