Brave Marine leaps on grenade to rescue fellow soldier – receives Medal of Honor

Carpenter, William Kyle. Whether or not you are familiar with his name, there is no denying the undeniable reality that he is a true American hero. Kyle joined the Marine Corps when he was 21 and by t

Carpenter, William Kyle. Whether or not you are familiar with his name, there is no denying the undeniable reality that he is a true American hero.

Kyle joined the Marine Corps when he was 21 and by the time he was 23 he had risen to the rank of Lance Corporal. He was sent to Afghanistan in 2010.

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A grenade fell close to where Kyle and another Marine were engaging the enemy during the conflict. Kyle acted quickly, without hesitation…

Kyle’s life was dramatically altered by a split-second choice that spoke a lot about his unbreakable will. Kyle used his body as a barrier and leaped on the grenade to protect his buddy.

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He made a selfless sacrifice, giving his life so that his brother Marine may live.vThe explosion that followed naturally caused him severe harm.

His skull and facial bones were crushed, and shrapnel pierced his body. When Kyle finally made it back to Camp Bastion, he was labelled P.E.A. (patient expired on arrival) after losing part of his jaw and having one of his lungs collapse.

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Kyle had technically passed away. He managed to stay alive against the odds. In the subsequent two years, Kyle had forty surgical procedures.

President Obama also presented him with the Medal of Honour, the nation’s highest honour, in addition to the Purple Heart he had already received for his bravery.

As of right now, Kyle has left the military and is focusing on his education at the University of South Carolina.

A genuine American hero. For more on Kyle’s background, please see the video below: Spread the word to express your appreciation for the guy who gave his life to rescue another.