Model Sophia Hadjipanteli wears her facial and body hair in its natural state.

Influencers and models alike continue to make a statement with their eyebrows by puffing them up to extremes. Sophia Hadjipanteli, a model who has featured in dozens of major publications throughout t

Influencers and models alike continue to make a statement with their eyebrows by puffing them up to extremes.

Sophia Hadjipanteli, a model who has featured in dozens of major publications throughout the globe while proudly displaying her natural unibrow, is the only person in the world who could possibly comprehend this.



Sophia’s philosophy and cause are based on her conviction that one should embrace their inherent attractiveness.

The stunning celebrity has said that she learned a lot about how to love herself from her mother, and that she is in large part responsible for her success.

The model describes her as someone who encouraged Sophia’s imaginative thinking while accepting her at any age.

Sophia’s mother also aided her in learning to love herself and embrace the ways in which she was unique.

The model has obviously internalised these teachings and is now bringing her own brand of originality and creativity to her job.



Sophia’s self-assurance hasn’t made her universally liked, however. For being herself, she encountered hostility in high school and cyberbullying in college.

She was always fiercely independent, and she never let the naysayers knock her confidence.

The rejection only served to strengthen her resolve to embrace what made her different. As she has said in interviews.

It’s especially satisfying to know that that big unibrow is on the cover of Glamour UK, and it looks great.”

Sophia said, “I get to wear anything I want, and I get to embrace the unibrow — and if I don’t, I can always tone it down. But it’s always my choice — and I believe that’s why a lot of people follow me: because I’m honest to myself and not swayed by what other people think.

The effects of her optimism and activism go far beyond herself. Sophia started a trend on Instagram called “Unibrow,” where individuals with unusual facial features may get support from others who share their aesthetic.

Like Sophia’s images, the goal of the movement is to show others that it’s okay to be yourself. Many people have been inspired by the hashtag’s message that everyone, no matter how strange or unconventional they may be, deserves to be loved. Feedback and compliments are encouraged.

Sophia’s writings reflect an understanding that self-love is a process that requires time and energy but is well worth the investment of both.

It’s a process, as she said it herself. It’s normal to have off days; nobody feels perfect all the time. But it all begins inside! You may be the ‘perfect’ person in the world, but you’ll never really love yourself until you can see that perfection for yourself.

Developing that connection with oneself takes effort, but the rewards are worth it. You have a sense of liberation.

On Instagram, Sophia admitted that she no longer wears the lip fillers that she formerly sported. It was humiliating to acknowledge, but she was determined to be forthright about her “mistake.”She explains, “I didn’t need them, but I wanted to try them.”