Cashier Has The Perfect Response When Shopper Gets On ‘Express Line’ With Too Many Items

Cashier Has The Perfect Response When Shopper Gets On ‘Express Line’ With Too Many Items

Few things are as frustrating during grocery shopping as getting stuck behind someone in the express lane with far more items than allowed. That’s why the story of a Walmart cashier who took matters into her own hands when a customer violated the express lane limit is so satisfying.

A Walmart shopper in Colorado Springs recounted a viral incident that unfolded, highlighting the cashier’s quick thinking. The witness shared the following account:

I was at a Walmart in Colorado Springs, with just a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and a few other items. As I stood in line for the 10 items or less express lane, a woman with a cart overflowing with goods almost ran me over to jump in front of me.

The woman began unloading her overflowing cart onto the checkout counter, and that’s when the cashier calmly asked, “Which ten items would you like, ma’am?”


Confused, the woman stopped and said, “What?”

The cashier gestured with both hands, displaying all ten fingers, and pointed to the sign above the lane, clearly stating “Ten Items or Less” in both English and Spanish.

Embarrassment flushed the woman’s face as she retorted, “I want all of this!”


With unwavering composure, the cashier responded, “I apologize, ma’am. As I mentioned, this is a ten items or less line. Please choose the ten items you’d like to purchase today.”

At this point, the woman emitted a sound reminiscent of a startled goat, then forcefully pushed her still overflowing cart, narrowly missing an elderly man on a nearby bench. She concluded her tantrum by flipping off those of us who were chuckling and stormed out, exclaiming a profanity.

I paid for my items and decided to tip the cashier $20 for the best spontaneous comedy performance I’d witnessed in years.