Mom Asked to Cover Up While Breastfeeding, but You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

In 2022, the debate over whether or not women should be allowed to breastfeed in public places continues. Mothers, I believe we can all agree, have a tougher time keeping their modesty in check as the

In 2022, the debate over whether or not women should be allowed to breastfeed in public places continues.

Mothers, I believe we can all agree, have a tougher time keeping their modesty in check as the weather gets warmer.



The heat is dangerous for mom and baby. Breastfeeding mothers should feel secure doing so in any public place.


Breastfeeding is a beautiful and normal behaviour. Many moms consider it crucial for their children’s development and wellness. The parent-child connection is a nice bonus.

Breastfeeding is perfectly legal in public, and mothers should be allowed to do it whenever they choose. While some individuals aren’t bothered by it at all, others claim to be anxious because of it.

New mother Melanie Dudley has received much appreciation for her answer to a stranger’s request that she cover up in a restaurant, from other mothers and non-parents alike.

In 2018, Melanie Dudley and her three-month-old son were out to dinner with friends when the baby started crying because he was hungry.


Melanie, a native Texan and a new mother, uncovered her nipple in private so her baby boy could begin nursing. A guy at the next table expressed his disapproval of her behaviour.

A stranger approached Melanie and asked her to cover herself. Melanie agreed to wear a cover, but not in the manner that the guy had assumed.

A guy approached me when I was in Cabo San Lucas on vacation with my family and urged me to cover myself.

“Normally I’m pretty discreet, but we were seated in the back of the restaurant,” Melanie said to Yahoo.

I tried to use the cover, but it was too warm. The Texan told TODAY, “It was like, 95 degrees, and my little baby was sweating.”


‘You know what?’ I said. I’m on vacation, therefore I’m not working. The guy could see the problem, but Melanie didn’t.

Everyone else in the restaurant started laughing as Melanie covered her head with the blanket as an answer.

I threw it on top of my head. I can’t explain it. It wasn’t a very titillating altercation. That was just my reaction. Because I couldn’t find the words to say anything, I decided to hide my head,” she said.

Another lady posted a picture of herself with Melanie on Facebook. The subsequent post quickly gained traction, and it has been shared over 225,000 times as of this writing.

Many people admired Melanie’s bravery for posting the picture online, which quickly went viral. Although Melanie wasn’t the first woman to encounter criticism for nursing in public.


Her witty reaction to the criticism helped the picture gain notoriety, and the resulting discussion was covered by major news agencies.

People are still responding to the post and sharing their emotions in 2018 because of it. This further demonstrates why the breastfeeding debate is still relevant.


Breast milk isn’t dubbed “liquid gold” for nothing, and it’s every mother’s right to feed her child this way. And yet, many people look down on breastfeeding moms for doing what their bodies want.

Suffice it to say that the guy who ordered Melanie to hide stopped talking when she responded to him. In honour of Melanie’s creativity, please SHARE this piece.