The public is angered by the KFC sign posted on the restaurant’s entrance, but the business refuses to remove it.

Those who work in law enforcement have had it rough in recent years, and things are just getting worse. Many police personnel have been singled out for mistreatment, and as a result, some people mista

Those who work in law enforcement have had it rough in recent years, and things are just getting worse. Many police personnel have been singled out for mistreatment, and as a result, some people mistakenly believe that all police are dishonest or corrupt.

One restaurant in Gallipolis, Ohio, made the decision to make a difference by doing something special for the men and women in military. The placard in the shop window is surely drawing attention. Ligue 1

For the city to make it very clear to all law enforcement officers that it values the efforts they make to keep the public safe.

A hot meal is the best way to recharge before, through, or after a hard day; maybe it would even reduce crime if people felt comfortable walking the streets after eating.

Since the notice was tacked to the KFC window, things have been chaotic. The post has been shared over 5,000 times and liked by over 10,000 people on Facebook.

As seen by the comments on the Facebook post, the business provides all uniformed police officers with free service at all hours of the day, every day.

It’s possible that the vast majority of citizens approve, particularly law enforcement personnel and their families, but there are also likely to be many detractors.

Some customers were unhappy with the decision made by the store’s proprietors and voiced their opinion that all first response services, not only the police, should be highlighted. The administrator of Ohio Going Blue, who is also a police officer, wholeheartedly agreed.

This is an excellent post, but some of you are missing the bigger picture, he said. nWhether I’m wearing my uniform or not, I never go into a store hoping to get a freebie or a discount, and I know my other officers feel the same way. We strongly object to any kind of “special treatment.

” The reason this was published is because KFC is commending police officers. In response to those who suggested more first responders be honored. What do I think? ABSOLUTELY.”


Because they put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and give their all without expecting anything in return, excellent police officers should be provided with a free supper to fuel them through their tough day.