Three 90-Year-Old sisters gather around hospital bed. Their next move quickly goes viral

When these two senior women found out their 97-year-old sister was in hospice care, they rushed to her aid. Even though the medical staff was there to take care of her illness-related needs, they knew

These elderly women, both in their 90’s, found out that their 97-year-old sister was in hospice care and rushed to pamper her. The medical staff was taking care of her, but the two sisters knew that she could use some extra support.

With kindness and laughter, they brushed her hair and made her feel pretty and special on one of her darker days. The love between these sisters is truly heartwarming!

Seeing such a strong bond between sisters really warms a parent’s heart. According to Psychology Today you can help your children develop this type of connection! First of all it is suggested to start building this bond as early as possible. The younger your children learn to think of each other as best friends, the stronger bond they will have.

Psycology Today also suggests that you never play favorites with your children as it according to the publication can cause resentment among the children.

The three sisters relationship is such a beautiful and rare thing to see. Thankfully they have been there for each other, know all each other’s strenghts and weaknesses and love one another unconditionally.


Learning that the eldest sister had started hospice care, they all rushed to be together. Knowing that they didn’t have much time left together all three they were deterined to make the most of the remainder of days.


That’s why they brought a hairbrush with them on their visit – they wanted to fill their last memories together with love, laughter and beauty. Luckily the woman’s granddaughter recorded the precious moment on camera and shared the beautiful moment with the world.