When the girl’s daughter rips off the Canc*r patient’s wig, the father makes her shave her head.

As parents, we try to instill a sense of morality in our offspring, but we don’t always succeed. The daughter of one man was informed that she had bullied a girl with cancer at school. The situation

As parents, we try to instill a sense of morality in our offspring, but we don’t always succeed. The daughter of one man was informed that she had bullied a girl with cancer at school.

The situation escalated to the point that she ripped the girl’s wig off. This infuriated the father, who took things into his own hands by punishing his daughter in a manner that sparked controversy and a range of reactions online.

The father eventually removed the post after receiving backlash for his handling of his bullying daughter. Since my ex-wife has moved on with her new family, I have sole custody of our 16-year-old daughter.

Recently, my daughter got in trouble for making fun of a classmate who had lost her hair due to cancer treatment. To the extent of ripping off her wig,” he began his message, “.

There was apparently some animosity between them to begin with, but it doesn’t make her actions any more understandable.

They eventually found out that their animosity against one other stemmed from the fact that his daughter was dating her ex-boyfriend.

The father told CafeMom that the other girl had called his daughter a sl*t and commented on how his daughter’s boyfriend was only interested in having sex with her. That’s what made things go out of hand, leading to the wig incident.

My daughter and the boy in issue reportedly have been squabbling in class ever since they began dating. “It’s just a bunch of petty ‘he said, she said’ typical of adolescents.”

When he found out what was going on and what his daughter had done, he offered her a choice between two punishments. The first was that he should get rid of all her technological devices, and the second was that she should have a bald cut.

The girl went to school with a shaved head after making her decision. Everyone believes I’ve gone completely over the top.

In his letter, the father said, “her mother went ballistic at me stating it would make her the target of bullying (sort of the purpose, teach her some compassion).

He was confident in his actions, but he found that few others shared his opinion. Many individuals felt compelled to share their thoughts on the matter. A bully raises a bully, the writer said; thus, your daughter is a bully.

To ‘teach her a lesson,’ I highly doubt this is the first time you’ve employed such harsh treatment. There’s a name for what you did, someone else chimed in. Child abuse is the term for this. It would have been fair punishment to take away her technological devices.

Image that Represents (Image from Getty Images; photographer unknown)

Some people criticized his parenting, while others applauded it. I agree with your choice one hundred per cent.

As her father, you have every right to treat her in this manner; it is not harsh, but rather reflective of reality. She needs to know how it feels to attack someone for something they can’t help,” someone in the father’s camp said.

“She will see what kind of impact actions like hers have on the victim and that will teach her a very important lesson,” a second supporter chimed in.

What do you think, then? To what extent do you think the father went in meting out punishment? Leave your comments below and tell us what you think.