Tragic update confirms 2 lifelong best friends sacrificed themselves to try and stop gunman in mass shooting

The manhunt continues for Robert Card, accused of taking the lives of 18 people in a mass shooting on Wednesday night – a figure that may increase given that many more were injured and a number of individuals remain in critical condition.

As per tragic reports, the gunman opened fire at two separate locations before disappearing without trace. Authorities have been searching for him ever since, while news of the atrocities committed on Wednesday in the city of Lewiston, Maine has spread worldwide.

Card, a US Army reservist, sparked concern among military officials in mid-July while training at the US Military Academy at West Point. The 40-year-old is said to have exhibited erratic behavior, while other reports suggest that he had been committed to a mental health facility for two weeks this summer.

Sources have also claimed that Card threatened to carry out a shooting at a military training base in Saco, Maine.

All told, at least 18 people were killed during this week’s mass shooting in Maine at a restaurant and bowling alley around 10 minutes’ drive from each other.

The hunt for the aforementioned Card is in full swing, while victims are in the process of being identified.

Among them are said to be two childhood friends who sacrificed themselves in an attempt to stop the gunman when he entered the Just-In-Time recreational center in Lewiston.

According to reports, Mike Deslauriers ll and Jason Walker had been lifelong friends since meeting in kindergarten.

Sadly, they lost their lives during Wednesday’s callous attack.

Facebook user Alan Johnson paid tribute to Deslauriers and Walker, detailing how they had bravely leapt into action after shots began to ring out at the bowling alley. The men are first said to have ensured the safety of their wives before pursuing the gunman in an attempt to stop him.

“They are the embodiment of true heroes,” Johnson wrote.

“Mike was a friend of mine and fellow colleague. He was a the kind of man that would give you the shirt off his back, no questioned asked. He will be greatly missed. Please pray for both of their family members. Pray for peace, forgiveness, and comfort.”

The father of Mike Deslauriers ll, Michael Deslauriers Sr., wrote on Facebook yesterday that he had “the hardest news for a father to ever have to share”:

“This is Michael Deslauriers Sr and I have the hardest news for a father to ever have to share. My son Michael Deslauriers II and his dearest friend Jason Walker were murdered last night at the bowling alley. They made sure their wives and several young children were under cover then they charged the shooter.“

At the time of writing there is an arrest warrant out for Robert Card on eight counts of murder; one for each person killed that has been identified.

Last night (Thursday), a concentration of police forces amassed outside the home of Card’s brother in Bowdoin, a town east of Lewiston. Believing the suspect to be hiding in the house, authorities surrounded the property and could be heard screaming: “Robert Card, you’re under arrest. We know you’re inside. Come out with your hands up. We don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

It has since been reported that Card wasn’t present inside the home.

Rest in peace to all those who lost their lives during Wednesday’s horrific attack. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their loved ones.