My Partner Learned I Rent Out the House My Dad Gifted Me & Demands 50 Percent of the Money

In a complex relationship scenario, an 18-year-old woman faced unexpected challenges when her boyfriend, unaware that she owned the two-story apartment they lived in, discovered the truth....


In a complex relationship scenario, an 18-year-old woman faced unexpected challenges when her boyfriend, unaware that she owned the two-story apartment they lived in, discovered the truth. The woman inherited the property from her father and had been renting out the lower floor for passive income. When her boyfriend learned about her ownership, he demanded half of the rent she received.

The woman, considering it a privilege, had turned the property into a source of income by renting out the lower floor for $500, while she lived on the second floor. She did not inform her boyfriend, who had moved in with her three months prior, about her ownership, assuming it wasn’t a significant detail.

During their time together, the woman and her boyfriend split grocery bills, but she didn’t ask him to contribute to rent or utilities. The revelation came to light when the tenant living in the lower floor informed the woman that the freezer had stopped working. The woman, without her boyfriend’s knowledge, went downstairs to address the issue and instructed the tenant to purchase a new freezer, promising reimbursement.

Upon returning upstairs, the woman informed her boyfriend about the situation, revealing her ownership. In response, the boyfriend became furious, accusing her of hiding the information and calling her evil. He demanded 50% of the rent income, expressing his dissatisfaction with being in a relationship with a landlord. Despite the woman’s apologies, the boyfriend gave her the silent treatment.

Feeling overwhelmed, the woman decided to end the relationship. During the breakup, her boyfriend insisted on an apology and questioned her reluctance to share the rental income. He expressed a belief that landlords were only interested in money. The woman countered by questioning his willingness to accept money from what he considered an unethical source. The boyfriend, reacting angrily, threatened to expose her and attempted to punch a hole in the wall.

The woman sought support from her father, who intervened in the situation. The boyfriend, declaring he never wanted to see them again, left the premises.

The Reddit community largely sided with the woman, expressing support for her decision to end the relationship. Some users suggested changing the locks to ensure her safety and security.