Newlywed men

The first guy married an Iowa gal; he says, I told my wife she had to do all the cooking. The first day I didn’t see anything,...

The first guy married an Iowa gal; he says, I told my wife she had to do all the cooking. The first day I didn’t see anything, but on the second day, she fell into line.


The second guy married a Minnesota gal; he says I told my wife she had to do all the cooking and cleaning. The first day he didn’t see any change, but the second day, she fell into line. The third guy married a South Dakota gal; he says, I told my wife she had to do all of that, plus the laundry. On the first day, he didn’t see anything, nor on the second day, but on the third day, the swelling went down and he could see a little out of his left eye.