The Internet Is Going Crazy Arguing Over The Right Answer

Many people have tried to solve a certain math problem but failed. What about you, do you think you have what it takes to solve the problem? Many who put their best effort still didn’t get the probl



Many people have tried to solve a certain math problem but failed. What about you, do you think you have what it takes to solve the problem? Many who put their best effort still didn’t get the problem right the first time they tried. We all know about those I. Q tests and puzzles online that get posted through the world wide web. Still, we puzzle over a difficult problem. If you like math, then you love to take on this math equation. The problem will surely keep you motivated to find the correct answer. So for all you who can’t get enough of math, here is a challenge that has a hint of a brainteaser. The problem isn’t long, but you have to solve it fast. When you work on finding the answer, you will have the feeling of being back in high school.


Take a chance. See if you can get the answer right. One study done by Japanese researchers at a university stated that only sixty percent of engineers got the answer right. According to the study, thousands of engineers took part, but only sixty percent passed. Because many of those who took part were in their early twenties, their educational backgrounds had not yet become stale in their thoughts. Following the completion of the investigation, researchers discovered that some engineers lacked the fundamental arithmetic abilities required to solve the challenge. The problem to solve looks like this: 9-3÷1/3 + 1 =? Most people believe to find the answer, focus on the middle, and then move to the addition before getting to the subtraction. What about you? Do you agree this is the right strategy?

Many wouldn’t go this route, and others stated the answer would be 9. To find the answer, you will use PEMDAS. We have all been taught to use PEMDAS during our childhood. Still, the rule can become confusing, with many forgetting about the invisible parenthesis in the problem. Others have also forgotten that they need to start from left to right. Some individuals may not go with addition before moving to subtraction or multiplication and division. To help solve the problem, you need to know the properties which are commutative, associative, and distributive. So what is the answer? You can begin with 3÷ ⅓. Don’t move to multiplication but division. Your math problem should be set up with ⅓ will give you 9. Next, you can use a calculator to show you the ties between 3 and ⅓ equals 1. If you perform the problem this way, you have an understanding of your answer. If you need help, there are plenty of videos on how to solve this type of math problem. You will even come across arguments over the right answer. The internet has been abuzz with offering puzzles and quizzes. They provide a sense of adventure, not to mention help start a conversation on the subject. They also help improve your mind.