This boy decided to get a haircut for the first time at the age of 9. Here’s what he looks like now

Reilly Stancombe from England made a decision to get a haircut for the first time when he was just 9. By this time he managed to grow his hair so long, that every girl will be jealous of him. The hair



Reilly Stancombe from England made a decision to get a haircut for the first time when he was just 9. By this time he managed to grow his hair so long, that every girl will be jealous of him. The hair reached half a meter, also looked healthy and silky.


Daisy Kenny, Reilly’s mother, confesses that the boy had really long hair since childhood. When it reached his shoulders, he saw football player Gareth Bale for the first time. The man is famous for his long hair, which he carefully puts in a bun. He is Reilly’s motivation to keep his hair long.

Daisy had been convincing her son to cut his hair for a long time, however he was absolutely against it. But one day he finally decided to cut it. In the barbers they carefully cut his hair, and he gave his long hair to make wigs for children with cancer.


Reilly was invited to the TV programme “Good Morning, Britain”, where he confessed that his hair had already gown too long and so he decided to combine pleasant with useful – free himself from unnecessary concerns, like taking care of the hair, and give it to children in need of it. The audience was amazed by the boy’s generosity.



Reilly is interested in his new haircut. He was surprised to see how long his hair was. All this time he thought it was shorter. He doesn’t regret his decision.