Fisherman Reveals Shocking Discovery in Search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

In the ongoing search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, and Australian fisherman claims he found the aircraft's wing.


The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on March 8, 2014, remains one of the greatest aviation mysteries in modern history. Despite extensive search efforts, the final resting place of the plane, along with the fate of its 227 passengers and 12 crew members, has remained elusive. However, a recent revelation by a retired Australian fisherman, Kit Olver, provides a surprising insight to the location of the crash and what happened to MH370.

The Fisherman’s Revelation

Kit Olver, a retired but seasoned Australian fisherman, has come forward with a remarkable story that occurred in September or October of 2014. While trawling in his secret fishing spot approximately 55km off the south-east coast of South Australia in the Southern Ocean, Olver’s net snagged on something large and powerful. It was so large that he and his crew struggled to bring it to the surface. In fact, they couldn’t even pull it up on deck. When they finally brought it up close enough that they could see it, Olver was astonished when he realized that it was the wing of a commercial airliner.

“As soon as I saw it I knew what it was. It was obviously a wing, or a big part of it, from a commercial plane. It was white, and obviously not from a military jet or a little plane.” Olver said. (1)

Having held a pilot’s license, Kit Olver knew planes quite well. He was confident that the wing he discovered was much larger than any typically found on a private plane. The wing was white, however, which he said he knew meant that it could not be an army plane, either. He knew that it had to be a commercial liner. The only surviving crew member of Olver’s trawler, George Currie, also corroborated the claim of finding the wing from a commercial aircraft. Despite their best efforts, the crew was unable to bring the massive object onto the deck of their fishing vessel.

The Search for MH370

The location where Kit Olver made this startling discovery is of particular interest, as most authorities believe that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 came down in the southern Indian Ocean. Olver, who finally had to cut his net free after struggling all day, was able to provide the GPS coordinates of the spot where the wing was entangled. However, when Olver initially reported his find to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), they told him it was likely a shipping container fallen from a Russian ship. The AMSA claims to have no record of Olver’s call. Olver didn’t know what else he could do, so left it at that.

Nearly ten years later, he decided to go public about his 2014 find. He said that it has been weighing on his conscience ever since, knowing how awful it must be for the loved ones of the victims not to know. Olver decided to clear his conscience and go public with his information so that, hopefully, the families could be closer to finding peace. He said he won’t be making any further comments.

Anything else that I could come up with would be conjecture or supposition or my idea and I’m not really interested, “ Olver said. “It was from years ago, it was on my conscience and I’ve cleared it now and told my story. So whether it’s believed or acted on is out of my hands.”

Ongoing Efforts to Solve the Mystery

The families of those on board MH370 have been tirelessly advocating for answers regarding the fate of their loved ones. Recently, they have urged the Malaysian government to allow international exploration firms to conduct new searches for the missing plane. In 2018, Malaysia engaged Ocean Infinity, an American seabed exploration firm, to search for the aircraft in the southern Indian Ocean, offering a substantial sum for successful recovery. However, this operation also came up short, providing no conclusive evidence or closure. (2)

Despite the multitude of search efforts and technological advancements, the disappearance of MH370 continues to puzzle experts and investigators. The revelation made by retired fisherman Kit Olver, about pulling up a wing from a commercial airliner, presents a compelling lead that could potentially bring answers to the mystery of the missing plane. The identification of this wing, if confirmed, might provide crucial evidence regarding the final resting place of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and the fate of its passengers and crew.

As the families of those aboard the ill-fated flight continue to seek closure, it is essential that authorities investigate this shocking discovery with utmost diligence. The world is watching, waiting for answers that might finally solve one of aviation’s most perplexing mysteries and bring long-overdue peace to the grieving families affected by the loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.