Two Weeks Before My Wedding, My Fiancée's Phone Call Made Me Rethink Everything

In an unexpected twist of events, a Reddit user found himself questioning his entire relationship just two weeks before his wedding. The moment of revelation came unexpectedly, leading him to share hi


In an unexpected twist of events, a Reddit user found himself questioning his entire relationship just two weeks before his wedding. The moment of revelation came unexpectedly, leading him to share his turmoil and seek advice.

A woman looking at the stressed man | Source: Pexels

A woman looking at the stressed man | Source: Pexels

The original poster (OP), a 34-year-old man engaged to his 28-year-old fiancée "Sarah," had been in a relationship with her for six years. With their wedding around the corner, what was supposed to be a peaceful evening turned into a sequence of discoveries that left OP doubting his future with Sarah.

While working on a backyard project, OP returned inside for a drink and overheard Sarah speaking to his brother-in-law "Marty" on the phone. Sarah informed Marty that her sister Evelyn, who is Marty's wife, would be home soon—despite Evelyn not being present as claimed.

A woman using a smart phone while sitting on the couch  | Source: Pexels

A woman using a smart phone while sitting on the couch | Source: Pexels


OP's confusion began to mount as he noticed inconsistencies in Sarah's statements. Firstly, Sarah's claim that Evelyn had just left their house was false. Secondly, Sarah began texting Evelyn, even though Marty had just mentioned that Evelyn was unresponsive to his texts. Lastly, Sarah's assurance of Evelyn's imminent return home raised suspicions about her knowledge of Evelyn's whereabouts.

A woman looking through magazines while sitting on a couch | Source: Pexels

A woman looking through magazines while sitting on a couch | Source: Pexels

The discovery led OP to investigate further, eventually uncovering a series of texts on Sarah's phone that confirmed his worst fears. Sarah had been aiding Evelyn in concealing an affair with a coworker for about six months. The text exchanges detailed the affair, including disparaging remarks about Marty, which left OP feeling betrayed and nauseated.


"I cannot marry Sarah. I just cannot do it," OP expressed, highlighting the moral dilemma he faced. The revelation not only cast a shadow over his relationship with Sarah but also implicated her in a deception that affected their families and a young child.

A couple playing with their child | Source: Pexels

A couple playing with their child | Source: Pexels

Despite the emotional and financial investments in their upcoming wedding, OP concluded that proceeding with the marriage was untenable. The texts between Sarah and Evelyn painted a picture of betrayal that OP could not overlook. "I can't think of any reasonable excuse she could offer me about assisting her sister in this affair," OP lamented, indicating the depth of his disillusionment.

The betrayal extended beyond the personal; it affected OP's perception of Sarah and their future together. Despite his affection for her, the uncovered deceit was a "big black stain on an otherwise beautiful picture," he said. This sentiment encapsulated OP's struggle to reconcile the person he loved with her actions.

A man with his back turned against a woman | Source: Pexels

A man with his back turned against a woman | Source: Pexels

Essentially, their relationship has deteriorated to a point where marriage within the upcoming two weeks is unfeasible for him. Given more time, perhaps a couple of months or ideally a year, his strategy might have been significantly different.

However, time is a luxury he does not possess, necessitating immediate action. The current state of their relationship makes the prospect of marriage unacceptable to him, leading to his decision not to proceed with the wedding.

Wedding rings in the palm of a person's hand | Source: Pexels

Wedding rings in the palm of a person's hand | Source: Pexels


Ultimately, OP decided against marrying Sarah and chose to inform Marty of his wife's infidelity. Marty, who harbored suspicions about the mother of his child's affair for about six months, confronted his spouse after OP caught her red-handed with another man and decided to go to his parents' house. Marty did not update OP on what happened next. This decision marked a painful but necessary step for both men, confronting the reality of their situations and taking action to move forward.

Two men posing for the camera  | Source: Pexels

Two men posing for the camera | Source: Pexels

OP shared he would be telling his fiancée that the wedding was off. He was well aware that she would not take the news of their split well. Even so, he was adamant about not going ahead with the ceremony under such circumstances.

However, he also knew they could not be ready to head down the aisle while everything was a mess, the future seemed bleak for them both. OP said he was unsure whether he and his wife-to-be would cut ties officially with each other but what he was sure of, was that they would not be exchanging wedding vows anytime soon.


This comprehensive narrative underscores the complexities of trust, love, and betrayal, highlighting the profound impact personal discoveries can have on one's decisions and future.