Mom Breaks Babysitter's Rule & Has to Deal with Consequences

A babysitter faced unexpected challenges when a family misled her about their children's ages, testing her professional boundaries and safety rules. She shared her experience on Reddit, revealing h


A babysitter faced unexpected challenges when a family misled her about their children's ages, crossing her professional boundaries. She shared her experience on Reddit, revealing how the parents' dishonesty led to a heated confrontation.

Two women having a disagreement with one pointing a finger at another | Source: Pexels

Two women having a disagreement with one pointing a finger at another | Source: Pexels

A 19-year-old female Reddit user, known for her occasional babysitting services, shared a story that sparked a debate on ethical standards and safety in childcare.

For two years, she built a reputation among several families for being a reliable babysitter. However, a new client would soon test her principles and decision-making skills.

A young woman in deep thought  | Source: Pexels

A young woman in deep thought | Source: Pexels


Upon being contacted by a new family, referred by one of her regular clients, she made her rules clear: she only babysits boys aged 10 and under, but for girls, age was not a concern.

The family assured her their two sons were 9 and 10 years old, perfectly within her specified range. Trusting their word, she agreed to babysit, emphasizing her professionalism and commitment to being punctual for their "very important plans."

A couple sitting on the couch with their kids  | Source: Pexels

A couple sitting on the couch with their kids | Source: Pexels

The day arrived, and the situation took an unexpected turn. Upon meeting the boys, it was immediately apparent to the Original Poster (OP) that the parents had misled her about their ages. "To my surprise, the boys looked like no 9 and 10 I've ever met,' said OP.

Two teenage boys outdoors in white t-shirts | Source: Pexels

Two teenage boys outdoors in white t-shirts | Source: Pexels

One boy appeared to be around 12, while the other could easily pass for 15 or 16. Both towered over her, with the older one even sporting facial hair. OP expressed that all she could think about was the fact that the parents had lied to her about their children's ages since they were aware of her strict rule, and knew she would agree to babysit.

A pensive young woman  | Source: Pexels

A pensive young woman | Source: Pexels


Shocked and feeling deceived, she confronted the mother, expressing her inability to proceed under these circumstances. The conversation quickly escalated, as OP explained:

"I asked to speak to her in another room and I told her I cannot babysit. I was also truthful about the reason and she was livid."

The mother's response, suggesting she show birth certificates as proof, only added fuel to the fire, leading to a heated exchange. OP overheard the mom telling her husband that she would remain behind and stay with the kids. Ultimately, the OP decided to leave, stating, "I'm leaving!" as she exited the premises.

A woman standing near an open door | Source: Pexels

A woman standing near an open door | Source: Pexels

The fallout from this incident extended beyond the immediate confrontation. Later that evening, OP received an angry call from the mother of the family who had recommended her. Despite explaining her reasons for refusing to babysit the boys, she was met with skepticism.


The OP defended her stance, citing the boys' unexpected size and maturity as safety concerns, given her explicit rule regarding the ages of boys she would babysit. She said:

"To be fair the mother was tall and the dad was huge. [...] Babysitting 2 strange boys who were both taller and clearly so much stronger than me doesn't feel safe, which is why I have the age rule in the first place."

Two young boys standing on skateboards  | Source: Pexels

Two young boys standing on skateboards | Source: Pexels

Reflecting on the incident, OP questioned whether her reaction was justified or if she had overreacted by not adjusting her rule for the situation. She emphasized that there was no way the boys' mother could not tell that they looked much older than their age.

Moreover, OP strongly feels it was something the mom should have mentioned especially after telling her about her rule regarding the ages. She acknowledged the disruption caused to the family's plans but also highlighted her need for safety and transparency in her babysitting engagements.

A woman taking care of the kids in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

A woman taking care of the kids in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

After seeking validation on Reddit, some of the users said there was nothing wrong with what OP did. Others suggested what she should do next time, to avoid the same situation.

Someone mentioned the fact that one of the children had facial hair, writing, "But 'facial hair?' Oh, that’s a no for me if you are presenting this kid as ten or younger. NTA."


Was OP wrong for walking out on the couple? Was the couple wrong for not disclosing the fact that their children looked older than their age? What would you have done if you were in OP's position?

Read more about another younger babysitter who stood up for herself after a family whose kids she looked after, tried to tarnish her reputation.