I Asked My SIL to Babysit Our Daughter for 3 Days & Paid $500 – My Husband & I Cut Ties with Her after What She Did

A mother of one and her husband had a no-social-media rule for posting their daughter's images and video clips, but one family member thought it was something they could surpass. Now, the family is

A mother of one and her husband had a no-social-media rule for posting their daughter's images and video clips, but one family member thought it was something they could surpass. Now, the family is torn apart because the child's parents have cut her out of their lives.

A woman holding a baby while at the beach | Source: Pexels

A woman holding a baby while at the beach | Source: Pexels

The day my sister-in-law (SIL) babysat my two-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, affectionately known as "Lizzy," everything changed. My husband, Ahmad, and I, Sonny, have a strict no-social-media rule for our daughter’s photos. It’s a rule born out of a desire for privacy, a choice we feel strongly about.

So, when my mother fell sick and was hospitalized, necessitating our travel out of state, we turned to my SIL, Jamil, for help since she was the only person who wasn't busy for the next three days. Not wanting to take advantage of Jamil and not to seem ungrateful, I offered to pay her $500 for her babysitting duties.

A woman reading a book to a child | Source: Pexels

A woman reading a book to a child | Source: Pexels


To ensure we were on the same page, I reiterated the no-social-media photos of my baby girl rule to Jamil, and she appeared to accept it fully. I thought we'd hit the jackpot with Ahmad's older sister babysitting for us because she was such a dream!

She sent me updates on my baby girl every three hours, even giving details on how my angel ate, slept, and the way they played together. I must admit, I was slightly jealous of how well my SIL got along with the toddler, but it wasn't anything malicious on my part.

A woman about to share a kiss with a toddler at the beach | Source: Pexels

A woman about to share a kiss with a toddler at the beach | Source: Pexels

Although Jamil was with Lizzy for a short time, they managed to get a lot of activities in! They went on walks in the park, played with people's puppies, and visited a circus and a zoo as well! I was thrilled for my baby girl and the care she was under.


However, little did I know that Jamil was going to do something unforgivable within the two-day mark of her babysitting. While visiting my mother at the hospital on my second day away from home, I went on my Facebook account and was immediately confronted with my SIL's latest post that read:

"I can't be silent. My brother's wife DOESN’T love her daughter. Or then, how can you explain that she hid such a beauty for TWO YEARS?! So this is my niece’s FIRST social media appearance."

A phone's screen with various social media apps | Source: Pexels

A phone's screen with various social media apps | Source: Pexels

Her post continued, saying, "Click the link to watch our daily routine with Lizzie while I AM babysitting her on YouTube.” While reading it, I SAW RED! Then, I opened the link to the YouTube video below, and my baby girl's activities over the past few days were in full view of the whole world!

My heart raced; I was livid! I thought Jamil and I got along, and she understood me, but judging by how badly she referenced me as a parent, I realized she had been pretending with me all along! I quickly showed Ahmad what his sister had done, and he was equally, if not more upset!

An upset woman looking down and holding her head | Source: Pexels

An upset woman looking down and holding her head | Source: Pexels

Immediately, he called Jamil and put her on loudspeaker so we could both talk to her. "How could you post Lizzie's pictures and footage without asking us? We were clear. No social media," I said, barely containing my anger.

Her response was chilling as she replied calmly, "Oh, come on. It's just a few photos and clips. You guys are overreacting. Everybody posts photos of their children online." "But that's the point; we don't. We trusted you," my husband retorted, feeling the breach of trust cut deep.

An upset man on the phone | Source: Pexels

An upset man on the phone | Source: Pexels

The conversation went nowhere with Jamil digging in her heels, defending her actions, and taking matters into my own hands, I ended the call with a firm, "You'll never babysit again!" Ahmad seemed a bit shocked by my decision but didn't say anything, so I assumed he was on my side.

Picking up our daughter, the tension was palpable. My SIL, emboldened, criticized our parenting right to our faces. "You're being ridiculous. This rule...it's like you want to keep your daughter to yourselves," she said, a taunt in her voice.

A neutral-looking woman with her arms folded | Source: Pexels

A neutral-looking woman with her arms folded | Source: Pexels


"That's not love, that's respect for her privacy," I shot back, struggling to maintain my composure. The ride home was silent, charged with unsaid words and hurt. It didn’t end there. My SIL took to Facebook again, this time to air her grievances, labeling me and my husband horrible parents and refusing to delete the photo.

The post ignited a family debate, with my in-laws siding with me and Ahmad, accusing Jamil of overstepping a boundary. My parents surprisingly sided with my SIL, saying she probably couldn't help but want to show off her niece to the world.

Grandparents using a tablet | Source: Pexels

Grandparents using a tablet | Source: Pexels

"Are we the ones being unreasonable here?" I asked my husband later, the weight of my family's judgment heavy on my shoulders. "No," he said, his voice firm. "Our daughter, our rules. Privacy is non-negotiable," he added.


The next day Ahmad went over to see Jamil to convince her to take down the posts, but the damage was done. My SIL was still not remorseful for her actions, and the new side of her that I saw made me withdraw from our friendship.

A man and woman having a disagreement | Source: Pexels

A man and woman having a disagreement | Source: Pexels

However, despite Ahmad acting surprised when I vowed that Jamil would never babysit Lizzie again, he seemed fully on board with me after he visited her. "She doesn't see what she did wrong and has arrogantly vowed to post more content of Lizzie if she's allowed to babysit again," my husband told me.

With sadness in his voice, he said, "We need to cut ties with her completely because she won't change her mind." The decision we took wasn't easy but felt necessary if we were to protect our baby girl and ourselves. Jamil's since tried to reach out, but some lines, once crossed, are hard to uncross.

A frustrated woman on a phone call | Source: Pexels

A frustrated woman on a phone call | Source: Pexels

In one of her voicemails, she tried manipulating and guilting us, saying, "Do you guys really want to be responsible for my niece never getting to know one of her coolest aunts? How will you explain my absence from her life?"

She continued, "I took the stuff down already, let it go, and let's move on." In all her messages, we didn't respond but had to eventually block her because she was incessant. My SIL never apologized for crossing our important boundary and seemed to think she had a right to do whatever she wanted, including painting me as a bad parent for social media clout.

A couple taking a walk with their child | Source: Pexels

A couple taking a walk with their child | Source: Pexels


Reflecting on it all, I can't help but wonder about the world we're navigating. A world where privacy is a constant battle, where every moment is potentially public domain. Yes, I stood my ground, but at what cost? The fallout was immense, but so is my and my husband's resolve. Our daughter's privacy isn't just a rule; it's a value we're unwilling to compromise on, no matter the opposition.

So, to those questioning our stance, I ask, isn't it our right, as parents, to decide what's best for our child? Isn't it fair to expect our choices to be respected, especially by family? In the end, standing up for our daughter's privacy might have isolated us from some, but if protecting her means standing alone, so be it.

A happy couple playing with their daughter | Source: Pexels

A happy couple playing with their daughter | Source: Pexels


If you enjoyed that story, click here to read about another similar one. Here's a quick synopsis: In the glittering ambiance of a lavish restaurant, the scene was set for Jenna's bachelorette party, yet beneath the celebration lay a tale of familial disparity and unexpected resolution. Seated amidst the revelry was the protagonist, who found herself at odds with her sister-in-law (SIL) and grappling with long-standing tensions between her husband, Alex, and his family.


From the outset, it was clear that Jenna, the SIL, occupied a pedestal in the family hierarchy, her every whim indulged while Alex, sat in her shadow. The contrast between their lives, with Jenna cushioned by parental support and the couple carving their own path to success, underscored the underlying tension.

The turning point arrived with the presentation of the bill, a staggering sum unexpectedly thrust upon Alex's wife. Jenna's audacious demand for the couple to foot the bill underlined the extent of her entitlement, setting the stage for a confrontation simmering with resentment.

In a stroke of ingenuity, Alex devised a plan to address the situation without disrupting the festivities. Seemingly acquiescing to Jenna's request, his wife pretended to attempt to settle the bill, only to reveal their financial constraints when the transaction was declined—a move that exposed Jenna's entitlement to the scrutiny of all present.

The fallout from the incident rippled through the family, prompting the siblings' parents to face long-standing grievances and to commit to redress the imbalance. In a moment of unprecedented candor, Alex confronted his parents, laying bare the years of favoritism and neglect that had fueled his resentment.

This confrontation led to introspection and reconciliation, as the family acknowledged the need for change and committed to fostering a more equitable relationship. Meanwhile, Jenna's own journey of self-discovery, prompted by the embarrassment of the incident, led her to confront her sense of entitlement and seek therapy—a transformative process that ultimately paved the way for healing within the family.


Through this ordeal, Alex and his wife found strength in their unity and a renewed determination to navigate the complexities of family dynamics. The bachelorette party debacle, far from being a source of division, became a catalyst for growth and understanding—a testament to the transformative power of confronting conflict with honesty and resilience.

In the end, Alex's wife emerged with a deeper appreciation for the bonds that bind family together, tempered by the knowledge that even the most fraught relationships can be healed through empathy and understanding.