Blood-Boiling Situations in Restaurants That Ruined the Entire Evening

Restaurant visits are usually moments when people reconnect and bond, but sometimes, things don't go as planned. In the following stories, patrons were left with bills while others had bad dates.


Restaurant visits are usually moments when people reconnect and bond, but sometimes, things don't go as planned. In the following stories, patrons were left with bills while others had bad dates.


Going to restaurants can be a pleasant experience, but sometimes, things go differently than planned, like in the following 5 situations.

A young couple sitting and laughing on a sofa while looking at a phone | Source: Shutterstock

A young couple sitting and laughing on a sofa while looking at a phone | Source: Shutterstock

A Man Tries to Trick His Vegan Girlfriend into Paying for His Meal

In June 2023, a woman, 18, took to Reddit with her story, seeking advice on whether she was the wrong party. She revealed she and her boyfriend, John, 20, had been dating for under a year and were primarily free of toxicity.

However, her vegetarian lifestyle, which she'd been committed to since age 11, caused some tension. Strong moral beliefs drove the original poster's (OP) commitment to a vegetarian diet. What got on her boyfriend's nerves the most was that she refused to spend her money on meat.

A happy couple enjoying food in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

A happy couple enjoying food in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

When OP started earning her own money, she vowed never to use a single cent of it on meat products, leaving their dining experiences to be highlighted by this conflict. At times, they split the bill, while John covered the entire cost during others.

However, she wasn't unreasonable and didn't mind paying for both meals if he chose a meat-free option, which he seldom did. The times when John paid for her meals were limited to when she spent her money on joint activities, such as concerts and festivals.

A couple dancing at a party | Source: Shutterstock

A couple dancing at a party | Source: Shutterstock


During these outings, OP spent around €120+ ($125) on tickets while her boyfriend only coughed out €50 ($50) for food. Days before her post went up, OP and John visited his favorite upscale restaurant to celebrate his birthday. He ate the priciest steak on the menu, paired with a side salad and a bottle of wine.

After they were done eating, OP asked the waiter for separate bills, prompting a shocked reaction from John. He skeptically asked her if she was joking, to which she affirmed she wasn't. John was surprised as he explained how he had thought she would pay since it was his birthday.

A couple raising their glasses for a toast in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

A couple raising their glasses for a toast in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

He also claimed that he didn't budget for the meal. OP questioned his assumption, reminding him of her longstanding rule about not spending her money on meat. John couldn't explain his thinking apart from the fact that it was her birthday.


She tried reaching common ground with him by offering to cover the cost of the wine and the salad while he paid for his steak. However, he got more upset and stormed off to the bathroom. Trying to salvage the day, she paid for everything except the steak and waited for her boyfriend to return.

A young woman using her phone in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

A young woman using her phone in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

She waited twenty minutes without any sign of him and decided to leave, confused by his unexpected reaction and disappearance. Soon enough, she found him outside, sitting on a nearby bench near where their car was parked.

OP asked him about his abrupt departure and reiterated that he still needed to pay for his portion. His anger returned as he wasn't aware she'd paid for everything else. When she clarified, he got more upset and unleashed a barrage of accusations, labeling her as selfish and urging her to grow up.

An open leather bill holder with restaurant check and pen | Source: Shutterstock

An open leather bill holder with restaurant check and pen | Source: Shutterstock

Despite his escalating anger, OP remained composed and insisted that he return to the restaurant and settle the bill. However, he scoffed at her suggestion and defiantly walked away. Faced with his refusal to take responsibility, she decided to drive home without him, left to grapple with the aftermath of his unexpected outburst.

He blamed her for his inability to return to his favorite restaurant, citing the dine-and-dash incident. Due to the restaurant's small size, John would easily be recognized if he returned and would be kicked out.

A young couple arguing | Source: Shutterstock

A young couple arguing | Source: Shutterstock


The incident led OP to Reddit, and she clarified that she'd gone above and beyond by dipping into her savings to spoil him on his birthday by getting him a present. However, that wasn't enough for him. As John had suggested, she wasn't the initiator of the dinner date.

Most Reddit users supported OP's decision and thought John had tried to trick her into paying for meat on his birthday. OP isn't the only girlfriend whose partner wanted to make them pay for meals they hadn't intended to foot the bill for.

A man taking down card details show to him by his partner | Source: Pexels

A man taking down card details show to him by his partner | Source: Pexels

A Woman's Salary Raise Changed Her Fiancé into a Leech

A Reddit user took to the platform seeking advice about her feeling constantly gaslit by her fiancé about finances. Her and her fiancé's finances were kept separate, and they didn't have a joint account because he didn't want one.