Here's How March's Full "Worm Moon" Affects Your Zodiac Sign

How the full "worm moon" on March 25, 2024 will impact each zodiac sign, according to an astrologer.

The first full moon of spring — also called the Worm Moon — will light up the night sky on Sunday March 24 and Monday March 25, with the brightest moment happening at 3 a.m. ET on March 25.

According to Evan Nathaniel Grim, an astrology expert, the upcoming full moon is also a lunar penumbral eclipse, which adds a little something extra into the mix.

“This lunar eclipse marks a point of closure from an event in your life that took hold back around Oct. 14, 2023 during the solar annular eclipse at 21 degrees of Libra,” he says.

full moon is the last stage of a month-long lunar cycle, and in astrology it always represents a sense of ending or culmination. According to Grim, the eclipse element will make that feeling even stronger, while also highlighting all the ways you’ve been holding yourself back.

“It may be a time for you to stand inside of your own strength and to stop compromising your unique individuality, thereby allowing you to project outward the qualities you’re looking for in friends, business associates, and romantic partners,” he says.

While you can let go, make changes, and think about the future during the full moon, March 25 isn’t the right time to manifest. “The eclipse's unpredictability means you should not be setting intentions,” says Grim. Instead, reflect, release, and revel in how far you’ve come over the past few months, while also looking ahead to spring.

Below, how the March 25 full moon will affect each zodiac sign, according to an astrologer.

Aries may need to let go out toxic friendships.
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As the full moon approaches on March 25, Aries could feel the sudden urge to step away from all forms of toxicity.

According to Grim, this lunation will help you accept that it’s time to let go of unhealthy connections and bad relationships, so consider it the perfect time to send a few breakup texts, especially to those Hinge matches you’ve been talking to since October.

This full moon could also inspire to put up strong boundaries as a way to protect your peace. Once you do, you’ll start to meet the kind of people who make you feel good about yourself.

“With your heightened sense of self-love, [look for] your ‘frequency match’ whether that be a friend, lover, or business partner,” he says. You’ll know they’re a good fit if it’s easy to be around them.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus will feel a surge of energy.
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Taurus, the first full moon of spring will have you up and about thanks to a new surge of energy, and Grim recommends using this momentum to kickstart a wellness journey.

This might be a sign that you’re ready to leave your bed rot era behind in favor of a new habit, like long-distance walking or morning yoga. Meanwhile, the same boost of energy could also inspire you to make changes in your career.

“This would be a great time to conclude a work project,” says Grim. “You may also have an opportunity to shift jobs or work responsibilities, or to join a new team at your current job.”

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini will enjoy going on dates this full moon.
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For Gemini, this full moon will bring about a strong desire to re-download dating apps, even though you promised yourself you’d never touch them again.

It won’t hurt to embrace your inner flirty feelings and have a little fun. Spring is the perfect time, after all, to get dressed up for a cute date, and the eclipse will only add to that energy.

For the Geminis who are already part of a couple, the connection you have might enter a new phase on March 25. “You could either end the relationship or realize that you’d like to commit to them further,” says Grim. Consider moving in together or finally defining the relationship.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer will hunt for a new apartment this full moon.
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Have you been scrolling apartment listings for months? If so, “this is a time to re-evaluate whether you’re living in the ideal place,” says Grim.

Maybe you’ve realized that you’d like to live in a walkable city, where you can stroll to all of your destinations, or that you need more room so you can finally adopt a dog.

Some Cancers might be officially ready to upgrade to a new space or try life in a new city, so look for a location that ticks as many boxes as possible.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Leo will have a lot of breakthroughs this full moon.
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This full moon will have Leo feeling like a brand new person. According to Grim, you’ll have a series of breakthroughs that touch pretty much every area of your life, and it’ll be the exact type of fresh start you’ve been waiting for.

If you’ve been working on a major project, there will finally be an end in sight. And if you’ve been partaking in a creative hobby, you’ll suddenly be full of fun ideas.

Many Leos will also have big, important conversations with friends, and perhaps ones that have been a long-time coming, says Grim. So get ready to have serious discussions over coffee.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Virgo will get their finances in order this full moon.
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Virgo, there’s a good chance more money will be coming your way in the next few weeks. “This could come in the form of a raise or a salary adjustment via the attainment of a new job,” says Grim.

Extra money could also pile up thanks to a new perspective on spending. Either way, you’ll find yourself thinking about your finances a lot more often.

To harness the moment, try to create a budget for yourself or a few money-related goals, like building credit or stashing cash for a rainy day.

At the same time, you’re likely to see changes in your dating life. “This eclipse will transform your relationships,” he says. “You will know whom you can trust and which relationships are sustainable long-term.”

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Libra will have a reset this full moon.
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This full moon will mark the first eclipse in 2024, as well as one of the first of two eclipses in Libra, says Grim. Astrologically speaking, it’ll bring with it a lot of change for this air sign.

As the full moon rolls around, expect to let go of all your unwanted relationships, as well as any habits that have been holding you back. Which friends put you on edge? And which thoughts or behaviors are no longer serving you? Whatever they are, kick them to the curb.

While you’re at it, get ready to tie up a few loose ends. “Anything you began in mid-October last year is likely to be reaching a resolution or conclusion now,” says Grim. “This is really a cathartic reset that will allow you to make space for better relationships, and a new and improved you.”

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Scorpio should take extra naps during the full moon.
Daniel de la Hoz/Moment/Getty Images

According to Grim, Scorpio will feel extra spiritual during the upcoming full moon. It’ll mark a total reset in how you connect with yourself, those around you, and the universe as a whole.

It’ll feel like you’re deeply tuned into to what you want in life, and all the things that need to change in order for you to get there. It’ll also feel like a fog is lifting, as well as the sense of fatigue that’s been settled around you since the fall.

To make sure you’re ready to embrace the change, Grim recommends taking good care of yourself. “This would be a great time to focus on sleep hygiene and mental well-being.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Sagittarius might want to lead a meet-up this March.
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For Sagittarius, this full moon will highlight all of your friendships and communities. You’ll have a few bonding moments with your closest friends, and you might also form promising new connections, says Grim.

As the lunar eclipse takes place, it’s likely you’ll feel inspired to run a big event or take on a leadership role at an organization.

At the same time, “your social media efforts might also take you in a new direction,” he adds, so get ready to gain new Instagram followers or finally post on TikTok.

You’ve been feeling even more social lately, so have fun with it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorn will reinspect their work flow.
LeoPatrizi/E+/Getty Images

As a Capricorn, your work flow usually chugs along in the background like a well-oiled machine, but this lunation will have you reconsidering things. And according to Grim, major changes are in order.

During the full moon, you might realize that you really do need to strike a better balance between your work and home life, perhaps by taking a vacation or asking for help.

It’ll be tough to admit that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, but your current stress levels are a good indication that something has to give.

Remember that full moons are a good time to rest and reset, while also letting go, so if you have to drop a project or take time off, you can always blame it on the moon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Aquarius might enjoy taking a class.
ATHVisions/E+/Getty Images

Aquarius, the upcoming full moon will bring about a brand new perspective, almost as if you’re finally see things clearly for the first time.

If you feel like you’ve been stuck — or even a little bored — it’ll seem like you’ve been hit with a magical dose of inspiration, says Grim.

Don’t be surprised if you crack your laptop open at 3 a.m. to book a last-minute vacation, or if you find yourself perusing local classes or interesting meet-up groups in your area.

A pottery lesson, new workout, or a trip to see friends could be just what you need to get out of a funk.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Pisces will rethink their finances.
AleksandarNakic/E+/Getty Images

According to Grim, Pisces will have money on their mind during the full moon, and not necessarily in a good way. To get ahead of any potential mishaps, he recommends glancing at your finances now, especially if you share them with a partner.

If money has been a point of contention in your relationship, you may need to have a frank conversation with your partner about any bills that you share.

After your chat, you may decide that it would be better to uncouple from each other financially, at least for now, so that you can both feel happier.