I Kicked My Daughter Out After She Got Pregnant With 7th Baby

All mothers care deeply for their children and try their hardest to support them in every way possible. However, some kids can be unappreciative, always wanting more without showing gratitude. This

All mothers care deeply for their children and try their hardest to support them in every way possible. However, some kids can be unappreciative, always wanting more without showing gratitude. This particular mom went above and beyond for her grown-up daughter — she was there for her, ensured her safety, and even provided financial help. But her daughter’s irresponsible actions and neglect towards her own children made the mom reconsider and step up. Let’s discover what unfolded.

Here is her story.

«I (45F) have a 27-year-old daughter. She has 6 kids, between the ages of 10–11 months. There are 3 different fathers. She receives child support from 2 of them, and she is still with the 3rd one, and they have been for 5 years. My daughter works part-time, and her fiancé is a chef full-time.

They have lived with us for the past year and a half, due to getting evicted from their last home. The kids and they have our upstairs bedrooms (there are 2) but that’s still crowded for 6 children. They are constantly asking me for help with phone bills. My husband and I have asked for no rent so they’d be able to save money to get a home, which I do not believe they were doing.»

«I have put up with loud voices throughout all hours, and waking up at different hours to cater to children because I love my grandchildren. I never complained to my daughter because I believe family is very important. It’s just that my children are all grown up, my youngest moved out 4 years ago and my husband and I had hopes to remodel. We didn’t expect them to be living here this long.»

«On Christmas Eve, my daughter gathered us all around and announced they were pregnant with baby #7. Everyone was all excited, but I felt dread. That would mean another child in our house with not much room. I looked over at my husband and could tell he felt the same, we discussed it later and decided we were going to have to ask them to move out.»

«Last night at dinner I brought it up to my daughter and her boyfriend, and we told them, they have 2 months to find a place because we cannot have another child here. My daughter started crying, saying she couldn’t believe I’d throw her to the streets for having a baby, that this was completely unfair and not enough time. I told her I was sorry, it was painful for me as well, but these living conditioners were impossible.

She demanded I give her more time, or she’d go to the courts, and I told her news flash, the courts only give you 30 days. She then said my grandchildren were going to be homeless because I was selfish. She made a Facebook post where she asked for rooms to rent because «she’s pregnant and has nowhere to go, and her family didn’t care about her.»

On the internet, some folks chimed in with their thoughts on this situation.

  • Continuing to have children is a choice they have made. You and your spouse get a choice in who stays in YOUR home.
    Your daughter is EXTREMELY selfish to continue to bring children into the world without being established enough to take care of them on a support system that she has built. She did not ask that of you and just simply assumed that because you were willing to support her family at the large quantity they were. She thought, «Eh, what’s one more? The more the merrier.»
    ladyofmodernity / Reddit
  • If anyone is selfish here, it’s your daughter. Who in their right mind has that many children with no way to feed and house them without help?
    I am sorry for you and hope you can remain strong. Start by steering your daughter and Baby Daddy #3 to Social Services to see what resources are available to them because the parental ATM should have closed a long time ago. BunnySlayer64 / Reddit
  • She has been and continues to be irresponsible. She should be getting a pretty decent income tax check for all those kids, and they should qualify for financial aid with that many kids. Give them until May at the latest. They should have income tax money by then and they can use that to put down for rent and help get them set up. She can look on Facebook Marketplace for low-cost and free furniture. If you decide to keep them around longer, charge rent and put it into savings until there is enough to send them on their way. CharmingChaos33 / Reddit
  • She is of legal age and the fact that she felt it was an appropriate time to get pregnant shows how little respect she has. It isn’t appropriate or logical to have an able-bodied full-grown adult depending on her parents. No-Yogurtcloset-8851 / Reddit
  • They are using your home as a baby farm. As long as you enable her, she will keep using you to avoid her responsibilities. It is sad, but I think you can help her better from a distance. If you can help with child care so that she can work, you would still get some time to recharge when your house is quiet.
    Just give her a list of ways that you are willing to help, but housing them is not one of them. That will be 7 kids under 11 — without stability. That’s irresponsible of her and their fathers. Top-Cut-3** / Reddit

What’s your take on it? Do you believe the mom made the correct decision?
The relationship between a mother and daughter can become quite intricate. Just like in the case of another Redditor who feels that her mom shouldn’t see her son because she declined to babysit. Check her story here.