‘Gotcha!’ 5 Women in Wedding Dresses Halted Our Ceremony and Turned To My Fiancé – Story of the Day

Fred is about to get married to Julia when five other women dressed as brides show up and spoil his plans. Julia loves him, and Fred is very convincing. Even after the can of worms is forcefully opene


Fred is about to get married to Julia when five other women dressed as brides show up and spoil his plans. Julia loves him, and Fred is very convincing. Even after the can of worms is forcefully opened, Julia can't help but wonder if he is a changed man.


Julia, lounging on the couch after dinner, noticed her fiancé, Fred, pacing nervously. With their wedding just days away, she sensed something was amiss, especially with Fred's recent antsy behavior and secretive phone usage.

"Fred, something's up. You've been on edge lately. What's going on?" Julia inquired, concerned.

"Oh, it-it's nothing; just work and stress, you know?" he stuttered, avoiding eye contact. But Julia wasn't convinced.

"I don't believe you. It's more than that. You've been sneaking out, and you're always on your phone," she pressed.

Fred hesitated, then admitted, "Okay, fine. There's something I haven't shared. I wanted a small wedding, but it's becoming a grand affair."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Julia sighed, her doubts about him vanishing. "But why didn't you tell me this before?" she asked. "We're supposed to plan our wedding together. You know, this woman warned me the other day—"

"Woman? What woman? What did she look like?" he asked anxiously.

"Forget her. I only care about you. I had no clue you wanted a more intimate ceremony."

"I didn't say anything because I thought you wanted it to be grand, and I didn't want to disappoint you. I love you, Julia," Fred confessed.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Julia softened. "It's fine. We'll discuss it with my father and find a middle ground," she said, pulling away from him.


Then, remembering another concern, she asked, "What about those secret outings?"

Fred reassured her, "I'm preparing surprises for the wedding day. I promise it's nothing bad."

The couple resolved their issues and focused on the wedding preparations, though Fred continued to express his discomfort with the grandeur of the event in the days that followed.

Finally, the wedding day arrived. The chapel, where the groom and bride would tie the knot, stood majestic with intricately carved wooden doors and enchanting decorations. It was a perfect setting for a love story, adorned with flowers and yellow balloons.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Guests slowly trooped into the venue in colorful outfits, eagerly awaiting the bride and groom's arrival. Fred arrived early. At the altar, he tried to mask his anxiety with a semblance of happiness. Jacob, his best man, noticed Fred's restlessness.


"Nervous?" Jacob asked, smiling kindly.

"I'm more excited than nervous. I can't wait for this to start," Fred replied, his voice tinged with urgency.

As minutes ticked by, Fred's anxiety grew. Just when he feared Julia might not come, the chapel doors opened, and the string quartet began to play. Julia appeared in her wedding gown, her father by her side.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"In less than an hour, this will be over," Fred thought, remembering his disagreement with Julia's father about signing the marriage documents. Bradon wanted the document signing to be done after the ceremony.

As Julia approached the altar and joined Fred, her happiness was evident. I can't wait to be married to you, she thought excitedly.


The officiating minister began the ceremony. "Dear friends and honored guests," his voice boomed, addressing the congregation.

Julia smiled shyly. "Do you take this woman to be—" the minister began. As he finished, Fred said, "I do."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Do you, Julia, take this man to be your lawfully—"

"Yes-yes, I do," Julia interrupted excitedly.


Fred's anxiety peaked, but Julia's reassuring gaze calmed him as they awaited the final declaration. When he heard the minister give up and begin to pronounce them husband and wife, he flashed a genuine smile.

"With the authority vested in me, I—" the minister started but was interrupted by the loud sound of the chapel's wooden door bursting open.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Standing in the doorway was a young woman wearing a white wedding dress identical to the bride's.

"Gotcha!" she loudly yelled, pointing a finger straight at Fred.

Julia's father, Brandon, was the first to react, his anger palpable.

"Who are you?" Brandon demanded, but the woman ignored him and strode confidently towards the altar.

Julia's confusion was reflected on her face while Fred struggled to maintain his composure. The guests were abuzz with speculation and whispers, trying to make sense of the bizarre situation.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Could this be a case of mistaken venue?" one guest pondered aloud.

"Or maybe she's an ex with a vendetta?" another speculated.

As the murmurs grew, four more women, each donning elaborate wedding gowns, marched into the chapel. Their leader, Lily, commanded attention as she stepped forward to address the congregation.

"We need to address a critical matter before this wedding continues," Lily announced firmly.

"What on earth is going on here? Who are you people?" Julia shouted the moment she recovered from the shock and found her voice.

Fred, equally perplexed, glared at the women. "This is my wedding! What's the meaning of this?" he yelled.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Unfazed, Lily signaled the other women to introduce themselves. Margaret stepped forward first.

"I'm Margaret, Fred's fiancée," she declared, causing a stir among the guests.

Before the shock could settle, Vivian spoke next, her tone fiery. "I'm Vivian, and I've been with Fred for five years. Here's the ring he gave me!" she declared, holding the ring before the guests.

Julia's confidence in Fred wavered with each revelation. "It's all lies, Julia," Fred whispered repeatedly.

Louise, with a thick French accent, claimed, "I'm Louise. We're engaged and trying for a child!"

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Jae-Hwa, the last to speak, expressed her story in a softer tone. "I'm Jae-Hwa, Fred's ex. I'm a Korean influencer. He used me for my influence and money!"

Each woman's claim added to the mounting chaos, casting a shadow over what was meant to be Julia and Fred's perfect day.

The chapel, previously buzzing with shock and confusion, quieted as the guests tried to process the surreal scene of multiple brides accusing Fred. But before the gathered crowd could fully digest the situation, security officials marched in.

Only Lily knew how it had taken her days of brainstorming to figure out the best way for them to distract the security outside and enter the ceremony. They couldn't leave before Fred was exposed.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

"Get them out of here!" Fred commanded, seeing an opportunity to regain control of his rapidly unraveling wedding.

"Someone must've paid them a hefty sum for this act! They're nothing more than my exes! How can I be in a relationship with five women simultaneously? Isn't that absurd?" he continued in such a ridiculous manner that made people consider it.

Murmurs of agreement floated among the guests, some beginning to doubt the legitimacy of the women's claims.

"Perhaps it's a set-up to ruin the wedding," speculated a guest, adding to the growing skepticism.

Fred, barely containing his relief, urged Julia to trust him. "Trust me, Julia. Why would I marry you if I didn't love you?" he implored, hugging her.


As security began escorting the women out, Lily attempted to speak, but her words were drowned out by the guests' demands for the wedding to proceed.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Recognizing Margaret as the woman who had approached her earlier, Julia hesitated but remained convinced of Fred's love. "Look, I understand that Fred was once your ex, but he's about to be my husband, and nothing you can say will change that!" Julia said in a frustrated tone that showed she wanted the women gone.

"Fred has a lot of money, so I'm sure he's not with me for my father's money. He's marrying me because he loves me, and I love him! If you have proof, show it; if not, I need you to get out!"

At this point, Lily and the women were stuck. Fred had entered their lives when they needed him the most, and none of them had ever assumed there would be a reason to keep evidence of their messages. He'd only been able to date them simultaneously because they were all from different countries. As a travel influencer, Fred traveled a lot.


Lily silently accepted defeat and was leaving when a voice stopped her. "Stop! I want to hear your story!"

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Father!" Julia exclaimed in shock, unable to believe her father's words.

"I'll let you tell your story, then you can leave," Brandon firmly told Lily.

"Today's my wedding day. Are you going to ruin it?" Julia asked bitterly.

"The day is already ruined, and it's better to postpone this wedding than watch you make a lifelong mistake," Brandon replied thoughtfully.

"Hurry! Let's hear the story," he urged, turning to Lily.


"Fred doesn't love anyone but himself. He's using my money, even his social media is managed by someone else," Lily revealed.

Fred, sweating, tried to appear unfazed, knowing his facade was at risk.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"More than half of his earnings go back to the social media manager. He doesn't take most pictures, and his trips are more for pleasure than work," Lily continued. "Julia, I'm sure there are times when you've had to give him huge amounts of money and —"

"He paid me back," Julia interjected, defending Fred.

"Every time? Did he pay back every time?" Lily pressed.


Julia couldn't respond to that.

"Julia, don't listen to her. Just because I'm struggling now doesn't mean—" Fred started, but Lily cut him off.

"He travels a lot as a travel influencer; you barely spend time together. He's often unreachable, right?" she asked Lily.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Internet connections are sometimes unavailable!" Fred said defensively.

"Julia, trust me. He's just a liar! I've spent six years with Fred. When I ran out of money, he left me," Lily said.

Margaret and Vivian shared their experiences with Fred, exposing his extravagant tastes and manipulative behavior.


"Julia! Do you think I'll do such a thing to you?" Fred pleaded.

Brandon, silent till now, spoke up. "I know a private investigator. In an hour, I can have all the information we need about Fred."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"All of you will also be investigated," he told Lily, Vivian, Louise, Margaret, and Jae-Hwa.

"Father! In front of everyone?" Julia protested.

"We need to clear his name," Brandon stated, turning to Fred. "I'll need your phone and password."

Fred turned pale. Until now, he'd been standing by Julia's side, holding her hand. But now, he moved away from her like she was some sort of threat to him.


"Fred!" Julia exclaimed in shock.

"You're going to invade my privacy for five women who have no idea what they're talking about?" His tone was harsh, and Julia's heart sank at his sudden coldness.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Julia, am I marrying you or your father? Will you let him control your life?" Fred continued.

"If you love me, Fred, clear these doubts!" she managed to say. "Show me the truth!"

"I refuse to prove anything!" Fred declared coldly. "If you don't want to marry me, fine." He undid his tie, throwing it to the ground.

As Fred descended the stairs to leave, Julia called out to him. But he ignored her and walked away. Yes, I used them, but there's no law against it, he smugly thought as he made his way to the door. The last thing he expected to see was two police officers who appeared in front of him to block his way.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Fred was shocked and instantly turned around to face Brandon.

"I refuse to believe that a man as wicked as you has done nothing wrong. With a little probe here and there, I'm sure they'll find something," Brandon told Fred before turning away to look at Julia.

As the cops took Fred away, Julia burst into tears and dashed into her father's arms.

"You'll find someone better," Lily said as she comforted Julia.

"She'll be fine. I hope she moves on soon," Jae-Hwa murmured to herself, knowing that it was something she had to do.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


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