Brother Refuses to Give Up Kidney to Save Dying Twin Who Was ‘Awful’ to Him His ‘Whole Life'

When a man's twin brother asked him to donate his kidney years after their parents kicked him out of the house, he refused. Soon, the man learned that his brother died of kidney failure, and his re


When a man's twin brother asked him to donate his kidney years after their parents kicked him out of the house, he refused. Soon, the man learned that his brother died of kidney failure, and his relatives called him to tell him it was his fault.


A man with the username thrownawaybitwin posted his story on Reddit in the "NuclearRevenge" subreddit. To stay anonymous, he chose fake names for himself and the people involved in his story.

The Redditor, Ryan, had a twin brother Sebastian, and a sister Jane. He grew up feeling his parents mistreated him and favored his brother in everything. Ryan revealed that his brother used to bully him at school and always made fun of him, but their parents never said anything to him.

Two boys standing against a white brick wall | Source:

Two boys standing against a white brick wall | Source:

When the twins were 17, Ryan fell in love with a girl who soon became his girlfriend. While dating, the girl said she didn't want to get intimate with him because she was waiting to turn 18. Understanding her concerns, Ryan agreed, unaware she was having an affair with Sebastian.


He learned about her infidelity when she revealed she was pregnant. "I was crushed, she knew how much I hated my brother, and she saw some of the awful things he did to me, but she still went and did that," Ryan stated.

A year later, Ryan began dating again, but this time it was a boy named Daniel. Only Ryan's friend Issac knew that he was bisexual until Sebastian saw them at the movies holding each other's arms. At that point, Sebastian laughed at his twin brother and passed homophobic remarks, but Ryan told him to shut up and walked into the cinema with his boyfriend.

Two men posing for the camera | Source:

Two men posing for the camera | Source:

Only after Ryan returned home that night did he learn what Sebastian had done. He told their parents about his sexual orientation, hurting his reputation in front of them. Ryan recounted:


"I saw both my parents on the sofa, my mother crying about how on earth could she have given birth to someone so disgusting (was it too much to hope she saw the light and was talking about my brother), but nope, she was talking about me and how I'm a stain on our family's name."

Not ready to accept his sexual orientation, Ryan's parents kicked him out of the house that night, leaving him with only a limited amount of money and clothes. Feeling helpless, he went to Issac's house and was surprised to see how his friend's family welcomed him with open arms.

He Received a Call from His Sister Years Later

After being kicked out of his house, Ryan tied the knot with his boyfriend, and they began living in an apartment with Issac. Working as a graphic designer, Ryan earned good enough to live a comfortable life.

A young man on a hospital bed | Source:

A young man on a hospital bed | Source:


Nine years had passed since his parents kicked him out when he received a call from Jane. She told him Sebastian was hospitalized and wanted to see Ryan urgently. Feeling confused, Ryan went to visit his brother at the hospital, where he also met his parents.

"It's safe to say something was off," Ryan said before stating that his parents and brother were delighted to see him as if they hadn't kicked him out years ago. Then, Sebastian told Ryan that his kidneys had failed and he would die if he didn't find a donor. Before Sebastian could say he wanted his twin brother to donate a kidney, Ryan clearly said he wouldn't.

Man facing away from angry parents | Source:

Man facing away from angry parents | Source:

Sebastian was shocked upon hearing his brother's response and began apologizing to him for everything that happened in the past. Meanwhile, their parents told Ryan he "owed them" for being alive, but nothing changed his decision. Ryan was sure he didn't want to donate his kidney to save Sebastian's life.


What Does He Feel about His Brother's Death?

A few months later, Ryan received a call from Jane, telling him Sebastian had died. Feeling concerned, she asked him if he was doing fine, to which Ryan replied that he "didn't really feel anything" about his twin's death.

Man thinking while facing a window | Source:

The following day, Ryan's family members, who he hadn't contacted in years, began calling him to blame him for Sebastian's death. They called him a "bad son" and a "bad brother" and said he and Daniel "don't deserve children."

Toward the end of his Reddit post, Ryan revealed that other family members called to check up on him. He confessed, "I didn't donate my kidney to my evil brother due to him being awful to me my whole life."

Click here to read another story about a woman who terminated her pregnancy and donated her liver to save her brother's life. Soon, her husband found out.