My Pregnant Wife Started Returning Home Late at Night – I Lost Control When I Found Out the Reason

A man was concerned that something unsavory was going on with his wife because she was spending late nights at work. What he initially thought might be an affair turned out to be something far more di


In the quiet of our home, as the clock ticked past 11 p.m., I realized something was amiss. My wife, who usually greeted me with a warm smile and dinner, hadn't returned from work.

A pregnant woman cooking | Source: Pexels

A pregnant woman cooking | Source: Pexels

My wife, who is usually home around the same time as I am, had been returning from work late for a while. This was odd because, in our years together, she'd never stayed out this late without a call or a text.

A pregnant woman working on a laptop | Source: Pexels

A pregnant woman working on a laptop | Source: Pexels


One night at around 11 p.m., I dialed her number, and when she answered, she tried to sound upbeat, mentioning she was still at the office, surrounded by paperwork. But her voice had a tremble that didn't sit right with me.

A pregnant woman talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A pregnant woman talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

This pattern continued, turning my concern into a nightly concern. One night, as I wandered into the living room in search of a glass of water, I found her there, sobbing quietly.

A closeup of a crying woman's eyes | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a crying woman's eyes | Source: Pexels


It was heart-wrenching to see her in such distress, especially considering she was seven months pregnant. She attributed her emotional state to pregnancy hormones, but the pattern of late nights and tears suggested something else.

A pregnant woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

A pregnant woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

Driven by a growing sense of unease, I decided to delve deeper into the mystery of my wife's late nights. It wasn't until I stumbled upon her phone one day, seeing a barrage of messages from her coworkers, that the pieces began to fall into place.

An isolated smart phone on a white surface | Source: Getty Images

An isolated smart phone on a white surface | Source: Getty Images


What I found was not an affair, or anything to do with me at all. Instead, my wife was facing a challenge at work that I had no idea about.

A closeup of a man's hands holding a smart phone | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a man's hands holding a smart phone | Source: Pexels

Her colleagues were not planning work projects or discussing deadlines; instead, they were bullying her, delegating their workload onto her to free up their evenings for leisure, leaving her to drown in tasks until the early hours.

A closeup of a woman's hands on top of her diary | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a woman's hands on top of her diary | Source: Pexels


The messages were cruel, targeting her appearance, her capabilities, and her dedication. Each word was a dagger, and my heart bled for her. How could she bear this silently?

A woman reading messages on her smart phone | Source: Pexels

A woman reading messages on her smart phone | Source: Pexels

How could she face such venom with a smile for the sake of professional harmony? My rage was almost uncontrollable, but I knew any reckless confrontation could exacerbate her situation.

An angry man looking at a phone | Source: Shutterstock