I'm Scared To Give Birth Because of My Mother-In-Law

Grappling with a fear of childbirth and a relationship between her husband and his mother that plagued her marriage, Emily was left with no other choice than to lie to her husband. She soon realized s


Where do I even start with the rollercoaster that’s been my marriage to Alex? We had the kind of love story that kicks off like it’s straight out of a college rom-com, complete with the meet-cute at the campus café over spilled coffee and a shared laugh. However, it turned dark when I was due to give birth to our child.

A man kisses his smiling partner on the cheek | Source: Shutterstock

A man kisses his smiling partner on the cheek | Source: Shutterstock

When Alex and I met, I was a literature major with a penchant for daydreaming and scribbling verses in the margins of my notebooks, and Alex was the down-to-earth engineering geek who could somehow make differential equations sound romantic.

A young woman reading a book | Source: Rahul Shah on Pexels

A young woman reading a book | Source: Rahul Shah on Pexels


Back in those early days, our differences seemed trivial, cute even. I was all about Emily Dickinson and late-night poetry slams, while he was knee-deep in robotics projects.

A young man working on his laptop | Source: Dominika Poláková on Pexels

A young man working on his laptop | Source: Dominika Poláková on Pexels

Somehow, we just clicked. Our dates ranged from debates over the best Star Wars movie (clearly, it’s The Empire Strikes Back) to quiet nights in, with me reading my latest piece while he tinkered with his gadgets. It was quirky, it was fun, and it was ours.

A happy young couple poses for a photo | Source: Dmitriy Ganin on Pexels

A happy young couple poses for a photo | Source: Dmitriy Ganin on Pexels


Fast forward a bit, and there we were, throwing our graduation caps into the air, full of hopes and dreams, with the world at our feet. Life post-college brought us closer in ways I hadn't anticipated.

A group of students throwing their graduation caps into the air | Source: Emily Ranquist on Pexels

A group of students throwing their graduation caps into the air | Source: Emily Ranquist on Pexels

We navigated the murky waters of job hunts and moving cities together, eventually settling in his hometown, Willow Creek. It made sense at the time—Alex landed a fantastic job offer there, and I figured I could write anywhere as long as I had my laptop and a decent coffee shop nearby.

A young couple holding up a set of house keys | Source: RDNE Stock project on Pexels

A young couple holding up a set of house keys | Source: RDNE Stock project on Pexels


Settling in Willow Creek was a dream, at first. We found this adorable little apartment with enough space for my books and his gadgets, and everything felt just right. But, as it turns out, moving to Alex's hometown meant being closer to his family, particularly his mom, Mrs. Harlow.

A senior woman looking at her phone | Source: Shutterstock

A senior woman looking at her phone | Source: Shutterstock

Now, don’t get me wrong, I knew the importance of family to Alex, and I admired that. But what I hadn’t fully grasped was how... let’s say, involved, Mrs. Harlow would be in our lives.

A senior woman and her son talking | Source: Shutterstock

A senior woman and her son talking | Source: Shutterstock


The transition from being college sweethearts to newlyweds in a new city was challenging enough without the added dynamic of a well-meaning but overly involved mother-in-law.


A senior woman holding a book | Source: cottonbro studio on Pexels

A senior woman holding a book | Source: cottonbro studio on Pexels