I Kicked My Wife's Family Members Out of My House on Christmas for Disobeying a Request

In a shocking turn of events on Christmas Day, one man took a bold stand against his wife's unruly relatives, evicting them from their festive gathering for a flagrant violation. The question remai


In a shocking Christmas showdown, tensions reached a boiling point when one man took a stand against his wife's eccentric aunt and uncle. Faced with their bizarre antics, he made a bold move: he kicked them out of his house. As whispers of the holiday clash circulated, family and friends were divided in their opinions, leaving everyone wondering — was it justified to put his foot down, or a step too far?


In January 2024, an anonymous male poster turned to Reddit's "AITA" forum to share his story. For context, he and his wife had been together for more than a decade, and during that time, her family had generally been fantastic. However, the only exceptions to this were his wife's paternal aunt and uncle.

A family gathered for Christmas dinner | Source: Shutterstock

A family gathered for Christmas dinner | Source: Shutterstock

This particular aunt and uncle had a penchant for engaging in peculiar behavior and then insisting it was entirely normal. A few years ago, they had disrupted a family dinner by abruptly standing up, mimicking a referee holding up a champion boxer's hand, and announcing their decision to move to "The Lake" before resuming their seats.

There was no mention of which lake, and no additional context was provided. As everyone stared at each other awkwardly, the wife's father eventually broke the silence by asking, "Which lake?" This innocent inquiry led to the aunt breaking down in tears and screeching that the family was unsupportive of their plans.


After the tense encounter, OP's wife's aunt and uncle eventually left.

Senior couple coming over for dinner at their grandchildren's place | Source: Shutterstock

Senior couple coming over for dinner at their grandchildren's place | Source: Shutterstock

More recently, the Original Poster (OP) and his wife purchased a house in the same city as her parents. Deciding to host Christmas for the first time, they considered it a thoughtful gesture, especially with the grandparents and parents aging. Invitations were sent a month in advance, and OP followed up by text message with those who confirmed attendance.

The only request made was straightforward: guests were kindly asked not to bring pets. This was emphasized in a clear email. The reason behind this stipulation was OP's wife suffering from severe dog allergies, despite her earnest desire to foster a dog.


Adding complexity to the situation, the wife's aunt and uncle had a history of disregarding such requests, "showing up with a literal pack of dogs they happen to be petsitting 'last minute' for."

A senior couple standing with their dog in a street | Source: Shutterstock

A senior couple standing with their dog in a street | Source: Shutterstock

Come Christmas Day, the aunt and uncle arrived two hours late with a new Mastiff in tow. As OP opened the door, the dog erupted in a frenzy of howls while the uncle attempted to discipline it. Politely trying to address the breach of the clear directive by asking them not to bring the dog inside, OP found himself in a tense situation, with the wife's aunt breaking into tears and accusing him of cruelty.

After the encounter, OP's wife's aunt and uncle eventually left. However, in the days following Christmas, OP received mixed reactions from family and friends. Despite not being on Facebook, he learned that the wife's aunt had penned a lengthy post accusing them of ruining Christmas.


According to her account, they had callously forced herself and her husband to drive two hours for Christmas dinner, only to heartlessly turn them away due to their reluctance to leave their new dog at home alone.

Within their immediate family, support was divided. The wife's grandmothers found the situation hilarious, and the in-laws appreciated someone finally standing up to what they referred to as "the loony tunes duo." However, they believed there might have been a way to allow the uncle and aunt to stay even with the dog.

A wooden house in the middle of a lake overlooking the mountains | Source: Pexels

A wooden house in the middle of a lake overlooking the mountains | Source: Pexels

On the other hand, the aunts, uncles, and cousins believed OP had gone too far and should have found a compromise. Feeling bewildered by the varying opinions, OP couldn't help but question if he was in the wrong: "AITA for turning my wife's family away at the door on Christmas?"


Adding more context to the story, OP addressed the curiosity surrounding "The Lake." His wife's aunt and uncle harbored a long-standing dream of owning a lake house, evident from the framed photos and posters adorning their home showcasing various lakefront properties.

What remained unknown to the family was the couple's active pursuit of this dream. Unbeknownst to everyone, they had placed an offer on what they considered their dream lake house.

Couple embracing standing beside their car near a lake | Source: Getty Images

Couple embracing standing beside their car near a lake | Source: Getty Images

When they proudly announced that they managed to successfully place an offer on the house, they anticipated cheers and congratulations, interpreting the lack of enthusiasm as a collective oversight or disregard for their achievement. Upon calming the aunt down, OP probed further into their discontent. However, the couple couldn't provide any documentation of having informed the family.


What the aunt and uncle failed to understand was that they hadn't communicated with anyone in the family by phone before making the offer, and there were no text messages, emails, or Facebook posts to substantiate their claim. The baffling revelation was that they had apparently shared the news with a mutual family friend, assuming the family would be informed indirectly.

OP's account resonated widely online, with a prevailing consensus among commenters declaring him "NTA." One user shared that refusing entry to invitees who don't adhere to instructions is straightforward, emphasizing that if the rule is no pets, those who bring pets shouldn't be allowed in.

A senior couple petting their dog in a park | Source: Shutterstock

A senior couple petting their dog in a park | Source: Shutterstock

The commenter commended OP for standing firm and speculated that the aunt and uncle's disruptive behavior might be a power play, suggesting that tears were employed as a manipulative tactic.


second commenter noted that bringing a dog to a house despite knowing it wasn't allowed due to allergies was inconsiderate and selfish. They echoed the sentiment that OP was not in the wrong for enforcing the clearly communicated rule.


Meanwhile, another netizen pointed out that the aunt and uncle could have communicated about their new dog beforehand and failed to offer any compromises upon arrival, emphasizing that it wasn't OP's responsibility to figure out what to do with a "random dog" they knew nothing about.