My Fiancé Has Shown His True Colors Right Before Our Wedding Day, I’m Disgusted

A woman, 38, wrote a letter to our editorial and shared her story with us. Her fiancé had been pretending a «nice guy» and she trusted him and thought his intentions were good. But right befor


A woman, 38, wrote a letter to our editorial and shared her story with us. Her fiancé had been pretending a «nice guy» and she trusted him and thought his intentions were good. But right before their wedding, the woman’s opinion about her husband-to-be drastically changed, because he didn’t pretend for a moment when they discussed an important family thing. Since then, the woman can’t even look at her ex-beloved without feeling nauseated. Here are the details of this story with a very dramatic twist.

The relationship was just amazing from the start.

A woman named Hailey, 38, wrote a letter to our editorial and shared the emotional story of her struggle and disappointment.

Hailey opened her letter, saying, «I am divorced, and I have a daughter, Bailey, who’s 15 years old. I became her mother, though she’s not my biological kid. My ex-husband had her with a woman whom he barely knew, and she was 2 when we married. I consider Bailey my beloved daughter in every way. My ex-husband died sadly when she was only 5 years old.»

Hailey goes on with her story, saying, «So I have been with my fiancé Tom for 5 years. Bailey considers Tom her father. Tom, in his turn, has never treated the girl wrong, at least there were no moments when I noticed any weird or inappropriate behavior from him.
Tom was aware of my ex-husband who died, and he of course knew that Bailey isn’t my bio daughter. I’m now 2 months pregnant, and we were engaged with Tom. The whole family was excited about having a new member soon, and everything seemed just right, or so I thought.»

Bailey was treated very well by every member of the family, including her mom’s future husband.

Hailey wrote, «Tom has told me many times how he wanted to adopt Bailey after we tie the knot. He said he wanted to surprise her. We were going to get married in 2 months, and I was happy that Tom was so serious about Bailey, this was important both for her and for me.
Her relationship with Tom has always been more than friendly, the girl, in fact, has always thought Tom is her soulmate, she even shared some secrets with him and applied to him for help and advice with her issues. When she was teased at school, Tom was the person who reacted immediately, and he was the person who knew about it first. I personally thought that he would be a great dad, both for Bailey and for our baby. I was so happy!»

The woman added that Tom never raised his voice on Bailey and has never even acted aggressively towards her, even though she sometimes demonstrated a very provoking behavior. The man had always been an embodiment of calmness, and he solved all conflicts in a very diplomatic manner.

Everything changed before the wedding.

Hailey wrote, «We were preparing for our wedding, and though we didn’t plan on anything big, I still wanted this to be a special day for everyone, including my daughter. One evening, Tom and I were meeting with our friends, and this was just before the planned wedding. Bailey wasn’t with us at that moment, she was staying with her friend in her place. We were all having a great night.
Happiness was all around, and I was in very high spirits. Then the topic of the wedding came up. And things immediately went down hill. We started talking about our honeymoon and I suggested that we bring Bailey with us. I thought Tom would never object, and I was expecting a very positive reaction from him, I really wanted to make it our plan and a surprise for Bailey.»

Then, the things took a very unhealthy turn. Hailey wrote, «All of a sudden, Tom’s face went red, and he said with disgust that he would never consider bringing „that annoying teen“ on our honeymoon. I was so shocked that I asked him to explain what he meant, I thought we had a misunderstanding. But Tom repeated that he didn’t want to bring Bailey.»

Tom suddenly turned into a totally different person.

Hailey explained, «Tom started explaining that we both were going to have a „real“ child, and we didn’t need to pretend anymore to take care of my „stepdaughter“ who has never been my real child. This hurt so much. I just looked at him, like he was going crazy. Tom kept going on and on.»

Hailey revealed, «I just couldn’t believe my ears and eyes. I saw Tom finally showing his true self, and I wanted to vomit at the sound of his voice. I had so much trust in this man, I believed that everything he was doing for Bailey was sincere, and I thought that he loved me and loved her.
It turned out, Tom was pretending until things were getting „inconvenient“ for him, and he decided to speak up. The most disgusting thing was that he sincerely believed that I would share his opinion on Bailey and that I would agree to betray her, because „I was going to have a real child.“»

Hailey wrote that after what had been said by Tom that evening, she canceled their wedding and asked Tom to move out. Bailey saw him packing his things, and she was crying, because she knew Tom betrayed her. Hailey was hesitating a lot before telling her daughter all the truth, but finally, the woman decided that Bailey deserved to know what kind of person Tom appeared to be. Hailey said that she didn’t want to break her daughter’s heart, but, at the same time, she didn’t want her daughter to have illusions about Tom’s personality.

The woman closed her letter, saying that she doesn’t have any doubts that she did everything right, and she asked our readers to share their opinions about the choice she made.

And here’s yet another story of a woman, whose husband deeply humiliated her right on their wedding day. And here’s how karma fired back at him, much to his wife’s satisfaction.