10+ Witty Kids Who Outplayed Their Parents

Children’s fresh perspectives often make adults nostalgic for their childhood. Back then, everything felt grander and the grass seemed greener. Despite thinking they may not fully understand us, so

Children’s fresh perspectives often make adults nostalgic for their childhood. Back then, everything felt grander and the grass seemed greener. Despite thinking they may not fully understand us, some kids have a knack for outsmarting their parents in unexpected ways. We’re left wondering where they picked up such clever comebacks.

  • «My daughter was on the switch watching some videos, I was watching TV sitting right next to her. I asked her to turn it down and she got mad at me, so I explained that whoever has the TV gets to have it louder and she seemed to accept that explanation. The next day it’s the reverse, I’m playing some game, just in handheld mode, and she’s watching Bluey on the TV. I ask her to turn it down and she just goes „Uh dad....you said the TV gets to be louder,“ and I had no response, just knew she was right...I did make that rule so I turned my game down.» zombiem00se / Reddit
  • «When my son was young he got grounded from his tablet for the day for some reason. After we tucked him into bed I could hear him watching videos on it in his bed, so I walked in to bust him. ’What did your mother and I say about the tablet?’ ’you said I couldn’t play with it for the day’ then pointing at the darkness outside his window ’It’s the night.’» Sloppyjoec / Reddit
  • «When I was a child, my parents told me to go to the grocery store for the first time in my life. They gave me $5 and told me to buy a bottle of soda (around $2). When I came back home with one bottle, my dad was smiling and asked me if I’d bought something tasty for me. I had to lie and say that I bought something because I threw the change away. I thought everyone did!» @Podslushano / Ideer
  • «When I was a child, I was scared of waking up at night. I knew the Earth was rotating, but I didn’t know about gravity yet. So, I was scared of hitting my head on the ceiling. Sometime later, I told my brother about my childhood fear. I thought he’d laugh at me, but he didn’t! He told me that he was scared of snowstorms. It just so happened that he’d seen snow but he’d never seen how the snow appeared. He always went outside and the snow was already there. So, he was scared that the snow fell on the ground in huge chunks and he was worried it would hit his head.» @Podslushano / Ideer
  • " I saw a mother talking to her 5-year-old daughter.
    — Mom, buy salami!
    — Tell your dad to buy it, mommy only buys healthy food.
    — And Dad only buys tasty food!" @Limona7 / Pikabu
  • «In childhood, when my mom compared me to my friends and classmates, I compared her to their moms. She hasn’t done it again since.» @Podslushano / Ideer
  • «My friend wanted to sing a lullaby to her 3-year-old daughter. The child listened to the song and said, ’Mom, are you done? Can I sleep now?’» @Elena Kushak / Facebook
  • «My son fell and bruised his knees. He was crying and looking at the bruises. He said, ’Mom, I need to put pants on.’ He put on the pants and stopped crying. If he doesn’t see it, it doesn’t hurt.» @malvina / AdMe
  • «When I was a kid I would be running away from my mom and I’d hide under the bed or in the toybox or closet, but I would always be loudly breathing from running first and she would always find me claiming she had magic powers. One day when I was 3 I got the idea to hold my breath, or at least not breathe so loudly, after that day the hide-and-seek playing field was leveled and my mother’s magic powers vanished.» theonlyguyonreddit / Reddit
  • «We were having dinner when my oldest son asked:
    — Mom, is it true that every child should have a father?
    — Yes.
    — Then why are there 3 children in our family and only one father?» @581rus / Pikabu
  • «We were buying a car. Our son (with blonde hair and blue eyes) says, ’Please, don’t buy a white one. I always have to play the prince in all the school plays. And if you buy a white car, I’m going to have to break so many girls’ hearts.’» @Anna Spashka / AdMe
  • «I asked my daughter for a piece of her chocolate bar and she said, ’Mom, do you want chocolate or do you want to be fit?’» @Elgiva Bekenova / Facebook
  • «I was talking to my 6-year-old daughter:
    — Dad, find my slippers, please!
    — But I don’t know where they are.
    — This is why I used the word ’find’!» @Solo1986 / Pikabu
  • «A mother was walking in a park with her little boy. They met a woman with twins. The boy saw them, looked at them attentively, and asked his mom, ’Mom, where’s my copy?’» @Panzermeyer / Pikabu