Wife Of Late Pastor Speaks Out With Important Message

There's nothing more painful in life than to lose someone you love to suicide.

When a person decides to take their own life the whole family falls into grief and confusion. The closest relatives may be consumed with guilt thinking they could have done something to prevent the unfortunate event by recognizing some of the signs that led to it.

When they heard about the suicide of their beloved husband and father, Keyla and her three sons were crushed by unbearable pain. The very much respected pastor Andrew Stoecklein of Inland Hills Church in California passed away by taking his own life on Friday, August 25, 2018.

Through overwhelming grief, Kayla managed to spread mental health and suicide awareness. Now her tear-jerking messages at the darkest moment in her life are going viral.

Instagram/ Kayla Stoecklein

Despite her own emotions, Kayla took to Instagram in the hours after Andrew’s passing to alert their family, loved ones and congregation. She broke down why Andrew decided to take his own life and detailed the difficult task of letting him be at peace with God.

“Last night, the love of my life, the father of my children and the pastor of our incredible church took his last breath and went to be with Jesus. It wasn’t the miracle I was hoping for but he is now in Heaven with his dad, free of pain, free of depression and anxiety.

He was an amazing husband, he truly made me better, made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, and he loved me so deeply. We fit so well together, we were one. He was an amazing daddy, his three boys are going to miss him so much. He had such a unique and special relationship with each of them. He was an incredibly gifted teacher, communicator, and pastor. He was special, one of a kind and will be missed by thousands of people all around the world.

Please pray for me and the boys. I don’t know how I am going to face this, I am completely heartbroken, lost, and empty. Never in a million years would I have imagined this would be the end of his story.

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts or actions, please tell someone. Please make sure you’re not alone, and please call a friend or family member before you make that irreversible decision. You are loved and valued more than you know! #godsgotthis”

While her post was enough to bring us all to tears, it was her letter two days later that really gained attention online.

Instagram/ Kayla Stoecklein

Three days after her husband’s tragic passing, Kayla posted an open letter to Andrew on their blog, “God’s Got This.” The heartbroken wife, mother and best friend wrote:

“To My Andrew,

It’s only been 3 days. Nothing can take away the suffocating pain I feel now you are gone. I miss every part of you, I see you everywhere. I replay the events of that fateful day over and over again in my mind wishing I could have done things differently. Wishing I could have held your hand one more time and prayed over you and told you how much I love you, how much I believe in you, and how God’s got this too.

You were right all along, I truly didn’t understand the depths of your depression and anxiety. I didn’t understand how real and how relentless the spiritual attacks were. The pain, the fear, and the turmoil you must have been dealing with every single day is unimaginable. The enemy knew what an amazing man you were. The enemy knew God had huge plans for your life. The enemy saw how God was using your gifts, abilities, and unique teaching style to reach thousands of lives for Him. The enemy hated it and he pursued you incessantly. Taunting you and torturing you in ways that you were unable to express to anyone.

Andrew, I want to tell you from the depths of my heart and my pain I am so sorry.

I am so sorry you were so scared,

I am so sorry you felt so alone,

I am so sorry you felt misunderstood,

I am so sorry you felt betrayed and deeply hurt by the words and actions of others,

I am so sorry you were fighting a dark spiritual war virtually alone,

I am so sorry you were unable to fully get the help and support you needed.

I wish I had one more chance to hold you and cry with you and encourage you. I wish you could see the outpouring of love from people all over the world who have been impacted by your story. I wish you could hold your boys one more time and tell them goodbye. I wish we could go on one more trip together, just the two of us. I am not ready to say goodbye. I am so madly and deeply in love with you. Every part of me longs to be with you. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t function and I feel so lost without you. You were my life. I was so proud to be your wife Andrew. I was so proud to sit in the front row and watch you in your sweet spot on stage. I was always so amazed by you, every single day. You could do anything you set your mind to! You were handy, you made every home we lived in look beautiful inside and out. You were creative, you were funny, you were thoughtful, you were passionate, you had vision, you had charisma, and you were so special. You are irreplaceable Andrew. There will never be another man like you.

I want to tell you that I am never going to stop fighting for you. I will continue to tell our community and our world what an amazing man you were. Your name will be honored and you will be remembered as a hero. You fought the good fight, and I can only imagine the incredible place God had prepared for you when you walked through the gates of Heaven. I can only imagine what it must have felt like to see your dad again, healthy and strong. I can only imagine how much joy you must feel now that you are truly free. I wish I could be there with you, celebrating on the streets of gold. But for now, I will continue to live for you. I will raise our boys to be men of God, just like you were. Your name will live on in a powerful way. Your story has the power to save lives, change lives, and transform the way the Church supports pastors. I love you so much and I will miss you every single day for the rest of my life. When I think of you I will smile, knowing that I will see you again one day. Thank you for 10 wonderful years together. Thank you for giving me the gift of three beautiful blue-eyed boys who all resemble you. Thank you for choosing me, for believing in me, and for showing me how to live fearlessly.

Until we meet again I will cling to my Father in Heaven. He will carry me through every second, every minute, every hour of every day. I read a verse this morning and I know God is reminding me that even now, in the midst of my deepest pain that He has got this.

‘Because you are close to me and always available my confidence will never be shaken, for I experience your wrap-around presence every moment.’ Psalm 16:8 (TPT)

With all my heart and all my love,

Your Girl”

Even though nothing will ever ease the pain felt by Kayla, their children and the rest of their loved ones, hopefully they can rest knowing Andrew is free of worry and relaxing with God in Heaven.

Instagram/ Kayla Stoecklein

If you or anyone you know is suffering from suicidal thoughts or ideations, please reach out to someone. Speak to a friend, family member or call a hotline (like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or by texting “START” to 741-741).