10 People Who Would Love to Erase Their Embarrassing Moments From Their Memory

Embarrassing moments are like uninvited guests at life’s party, they show up unexpectedly and often overstay their welcome in our memories. We’ve all experienced those moments that make us wis

Embarrassing moments are like uninvited guests at life’s party, they show up unexpectedly and often overstay their welcome in our memories. We’ve all experienced those moments that make us wish for a mental reset button. It would be great to erase those memories from our mind as if they never happened.


I was standing in line at Walmart and the guy’s dentures in front of me fell out onto the ground. I didn’t realize what. I bent down to get them and saw it was a full set of teeth. I then decided not to touch them since he has to put them in his mouth. After standing back up, I felt like that was rude, and he might think I didn’t touch them because they are «gross».

I changed my mind and bent back down to grab them, but as my hand was like 3 inches away, I thought to myself that he definitely doesn’t want me to touch them, so I stood back up. The entire time, this guy was standing there watching me bend down and stand up several times.

The final time I stood up he locked eyes, he gave me a weird look, then snatched them aggressively and walked away. I still have no idea if I should have grabbed them or not.

FutureSeniorCitizen / Reddit


I was waiting for a friend to arrive at my home. Said friend was having a severe cold, so when the doorbell rang, I ran to open the door and jokingly pulled my shirt up so it would cover my nose and mouth to prevent infection. I pulled a little too high.

I opened the door to a baffled salesman. He blushed. I blushed. We stared at each other for a second before I closed the door and hid in the darkest corner of my house.

onesmilematters / Reddit


Walked into a pole, hard, with all my school nearby. I was by myself and felt awkward already and felt the need to say «sorry» to the pole. Then I realized and proceeded to say, «Wait, you’re a pole.» Just kept my head down and walked swiftly on after that.

Hollyse / Reddit


I got my period for the first time ever at 10 years old on school camp. No one had ever told me about it. After a swim, I’d bled all over my swimming shorts.

The teacher came up to me and told me that I need to sort myself out because I was making the other girls uncomfortable. I didn’t know how to do that. Thankfully, two days into this nightmare, a kind mother noticed what had happened and gave me some pads.

sahphie / Reddit


I was 11 or 12 and at camp, we were playing spin the bottle. I was a really naive little girl and didn’t quite understand what I was getting myself into.

The bottle landed on me. I stood up to kiss the older and far more experienced boy in front of me. I unhinged my jaw and opened up my mouth really wide to kiss him. He stepped back, took one look at me and said, «No.»

buffywho / Reddit


I was listening to a lot of hip hop at the time and the phrase I chose to say to Siri was «I love it when you call me big papa.» Siri asked me if I wanted her to call me Big Papa. Why not, I thought.

This event totally left my memory until about 2 years later when I was looking for an email I’d sent from my phone. I found it and was horrified to learn that it had been signed off from «Big Papa». Everything I’d sent from my phone in those 2 years, including job related emails and even applications, had been signed off from Big Papa.

luther_van_boss / Reddit


I was standing in line at the grocery store. The man in front of me is elderly. He’s finished his transaction and is trying to get his wallet out of his pants to pay. This guy’s clothes are too big for him, everything is hanging off of him. He lacks the strength to grab the wallet from the very deep back pocket of his pants. This goes on for like 5 minutes.

The man points his rear end at me and just looks into my eyes. I realize he wants me to help him. I reach into his back pocket and realize that he has a huge and heavy wallet. I can’t get it past the loose fabric. I turn around and see the horror on some people’s faces, because I look like a dude sticking his hand down a poor old man’s pants in a grocery store, in broad daylight.

I give up and tell the guy, «Sir, it’s all good, your stuff is on me,» and cram my card into the machine and pay for his stuff. He thanks me and shuffles out of the store.

WhatsUpB*** / Reddit


I didn’t know alpacas were animals until I was 27. I thought «alpaca» meant «made from llama hair» much like wool is made from sheep hair.

AdamJr87 / Reddit


Our teacher told us to form pairs, so I picked my closest friend, and as soon as I did he began to cry. The teacher asked him why he was crying, and he replied, saying he wanted to be paired with his actual best friend.

Bluethewolf / Reddit


I had a tendency to get obsessive over my crushes growing up. I went the whole nine yards: extravagant love letters, «I love you’s», «You’re perfect’s», angsty writing in my journal, weird photos and music video montages, dreaming and daydreaming. I didn’t stop until one girl thought of me as her «stalker», in a quasi-endearing way. That’s when I realized that my idea of love was wrong, and you have to get to know someone to have a relationship with them.

Unknown author / Reddit

When it comes to family, we’re accustomed to having each other’s backs, no matter what. Sometimes, however, our siblings need help, and we simply can’t step in. In this article, one of our readers faced this dilemma when her sister was suffering from a toothache. However, the reason behind her decision makes sense.