14 Stories From People Who Learned What Real Horror Is

Some stories sound like they’re straight out of a movie, but they’re actually real. Well, today we want to share with you some of them. Get ready to dive into the strange and horrifying worl

Some stories sound like they’re straight out of a movie, but they’re actually real. Well, today we want to share with you some of them. Get ready to dive into the strange and horrifying world of everyday mysteries.

  • I woke up in the middle of the night to a strange man’s voice. I couldn’t understand what he was saying. At some, point I heard my brother’s name, and then he began laughing maniacally. My dad heard it too. He rushed into my room and turned the lights on. There was no one there. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I’m from a tiny town where everyone knows each other, and my home was quite out of the way.
    One day I was home alone, sick, and some dude I’d never seen before just walked into my house, apologized, and left. No one ever really locked their homes there. It weirded me out for years, and I never told my parents. © herpeszooster / Reddit
  • I just moved in, and I was being followed by some small padding sounds. I am blind, so it’s not uncommon for me to get startled. Anyway, I just went about my business, but I kept being followed around by this sound.
    Eventually, after I was royally freaked out, the stalker decided to announce himself. Turns out, it was my new neighbor’s dog trying to welcome me to the neighborhood, clearly. He’s my best friend now. © Lotusbrush / Reddit
  • Many years ago, when I was around 14, I experienced my first night alone in the house while my parents were out. I was lying on the living room floor reading, with my cat sleeping next to me. Suddenly, the cat woke up, stared intently into the dark corner of the room behind me, its hair standing on end, growled, and then bolted out of the room and upstairs. I looked behind me and saw nothing, but I followed the cat upstairs and hid under the covers. It freaked me out. © LairdofWingHaven / Reddit
  • When I was just a baby, my mother put me to bed and headed off to bed herself.
    Dad was already asleep, and just as my mom was drifting off, she heard, «Don’t worry, sweetheart, mommy’s here.» My mom froze in fear and then rushed to the nursery...to find me fast asleep and totally alone.
    Turns out the neighbor had just had a baby too, and our and their baby monitors were picking up each other’s signals. They picked up all kinds of things over time. Used to hear the truckers radioing to each other from the highway like a mile away. © MaliseFairewind / Reddit
  • One day, I was heading home from school and saw a little girl across the road, just standing there. Doing nothing. She was facing away from me so I couldn’t see her face. I walked past a parked car and decided to look back, just in case. Gone. No trace of her left, except a shoe. Her shoe was just sitting there, exactly where her foot was when she was there. No adults anywhere nearby. I got freaked out and ran the rest of the way home. © thebig***lol / Reddit
  • My parents have this 1950s-looking oven. It has a really heavy door that swings down. No way it could just open by itself.
    Well, I was sitting at the table one day when the oven door slammed open and shut itself. I never panicked so fast. That door had to weigh upwards of 10 pounds. Not to mention it needed a good pull to open. © ASithLordWannabe / Reddit
  • My sister and I were home alone when we heard someone big running up the stairs. The stairs make lots of noise with slight pressure, so when there’s someone big on them, you can tell.
    I went out of my room to check but saw no one anywhere and my sister also came out of her room and she asked if that was me. I said no, and we both looked around to see if there was anyone but found no one in the whole house. We were confused and called our parents and just waited until they got back, and that was that. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I accidentally locked myself out of my house on my birthday during a tornado while trying to bring my cats to the basement for safety. I later found out that the tornado was approximately a couple of miles or less from me at that exact time. The sky was green, and it got weirdly calm, and then I could hear what sounded like a train coming before I found an unlocked window to climb through. © SilverGnarwhal / Reddit
  • When she was little, less than a year old, my daughter’s toys would come on by themselves. I’ve always blamed it on faulty batteries because that’s what keeps me from freaking out. © listen_to_coheed / Reddit
  • Once, I was browsing on my laptop and suddenly felt dizzy. So, I just lay down on my bed and fell asleep instantly. Later, I woke up in another room. It may be sleepwalking, but I have never had any similar experience before or after this incident. © Mariya_x** / Reddit
  • I bought an electric bike a few days ago. I had the battery plugged into the charger in my room. I left my house for a few hours, and when I got back, it was unplugged and in a completely different spot. I still don’t know how to explain this. © Throwaway17810 / Reddit
  • My spouse and I have had a few unexplained occurrences in our new home. Enough of them that I checked our CO detectors. They work.
    Probably the creepiest one was when we were both in different parts of the house. I was in the front room with our puppy, and my spouse was in the bedroom across the house. I heard my spouse calling for the puppy very clearly, but the puppy was sleeping and thought it was odd. I went into the bedroom to ask why they were calling for her, and they insisted they heard ME calling for the puppy in the exact same way. © tulips-and-chimneys / Reddit

Have you ever stumbled upon something so unsettling that it shakes you to your core? Imagine finding out that your own family has been hiding dark secrets from you. Well, that’s exactly what happened to the people in this article.