Woman Asks The Internet to Guess Her Age, Only To Be Shocked By The Response

A woman shared on TikTok concerns around aging and how "out of touch with reality" some people are after many incorrectly guessed her age.

A woman in her late 30s asked the internet how old she was. She was stunned by the answers but noted concerns about aging in a world where social media filters and cosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly prevalent.

Questions about Aging

A woman sitting in her car with trees and grass in the background.

Emily from Sydney, Australia is 36 years old and recently asked people on TikTok how old they think she is. Several people answered incorrectly, giving her a new perspective on aging. Emily shares that she “embraced my gray.” She explains: “Women want to feel comfortable being themselves. We’re all tired of trying to be 25 all the time. I know most people my age won’t show their grey hair, but this is the truth.”

Emily started going gray when she was 19 years old and has chosen to embrace the body in which she resides. “I’ve never got Botox, I’m not wearing any makeup, I’ve never had any work done,” she said in the video, noting the bags under her eyes are from sleepless nights with her young son.

Taking a Guess

Aging woman in car, smiling and wearing no makeup.


Numerous people took a guess and were incorrect. “I’m 57 and I think you’re my age, maybe a few years younger,’ guessed one woman. While another said: “You’re in your mid-40s,’ another declared. ‘It’s your grey hair, skin, the fine lines around your eyes, and frown lines.” Surprisingly even after she shared her real age, 36, several people still took a chance and guessed incorrectly.

“You look great for a 55-year-old,” one person wrote.

“I‘d say you were 37 to be nice, but in reality you look like you’re 44. It’s the skin under your eyes and your hair,” another shared in response to the aging woman’s question. 

36 going on 60. It probably is the hair that ages you but you are still very gorgeous,” one man flatteringly commented.

In contrast, some in their late 20s and early 20s guessed her age correctly. Emily was so surprised by the range of comments she received that she posted a second video to follow up. “Someone is 35 and they think I’m 58. Do I genuinely look that old? Like I’m near retirement age?” She questioned, adding: “ I think it is essential to remember that what you see on social media and what you see on television or what you’ve seen in magazines, and people have said this for years, it is not real.”

Embracing Aging

As a result of her frustration, the Sydney-based mom has started her own sleepwear line. She hopes to erase the stigma around aging and “combat the endless anti-aging campaigns on social media.

I founded Dawn & Dusk Co. because to me, PJs are the ultimate gateway to comfort. When a woman feels comfortable, everything else falls into place.” Emily shared. “She can do amazing things when she’s not paralyzed by the need to be accepted. I’m on a mission to empower women to embrace their natural beauty and feel confident in who they are, at any age.”

Interestingly, she isn’t the only person to embrace aging. Many women have gone viral for taking a stand against the stigma around aging. Additionally, several celebrities have used their fame and voice to speak up against ageism in the world or Hollywood. Some examples are Sharon Osborne, Ted Danson, and Jane Fonda. They’ve decided to age gracefully, allowing their gray to shine bright.

Emily makes an important point as more and more young people are facing the pressures of social media, even undergoing cosmetic treatments to boost their appearances. The pressure felt by people to look young and always made-up is immense and has become heavily influenced by internet users and their ability to alter how they really look in a variety of ways, including seemingly avoiding aging.