My Partner Left His Wife for Me; Now He’s a Completely Different Person, and It Scares Me

A woman fell for someone who was already married and thought that their love could overcome anything, even if it meant breaking up his family. But now, she’s facing the consequences of her choi


A woman fell for someone who was already married and thought that their love could overcome anything, even if it meant breaking up his family. But now, she’s facing the consequences of her choices and wishes she had never gotten involved in the first place.

The woman felt confident that she was making all the correct decisions.

A woman, 38 years old, reached out to us with a heartfelt letter, pouring out her emotions. She began, “I’m stuck in a situation where I feel lost. My life has taken an unexpected turn, and I wasn’t prepared for the crash of my dreams. It’s like something out of a novel, so I apologize for the lengthy letter, but I need to get this off my chest.”

She revealed that her partner, aged 54, and she had a relationship that didn’t start on fairgrounds. “My partner and I met six years ago at a team-building event organized by our companies. He was married at the time and had two children, aged 10 and 15. I didn’t have a family or kids, nor was I in a relationship then.”

Initially, they formed a close friendship that eventually blossomed into romantic feelings. She recounted, “He confided in me about his unhappy marriage, assuring me that he planned to leave his wife once their kids were a bit older.”

Trusting his words, she fell deeply in love with him and was willing to wait for him to end his marriage. “After two years of being together, our affair was discovered, and things became incredibly difficult for a while,” she added.

Following the breakup, things were progressing steadily.


Continuing her letter, the woman shared that after their affair became known, they decided to move in together and start anew as a couple.

“We were ready to build our own family,” she wrote. “His wife was understandably devastated, but she chose not to involve the kids in their dad’s affair. Out of respect for his family, we kept our relationship low-key for about a year.”

She added, “It wasn’t until a year later that my partner introduced me to his children. Initially, it was tough for them to accept their dad with someone new, but eventually, we all bonded. We bought a house together and began planning our wedding. The kids visited us regularly, and everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly. At least, that’s what I believed.”

The man’s former spouse was going through a lot.

In her letter, the woman recounted the difficult time her fiancé’s ex-wife went through after their separation. “My fiancé’s ex-wife struggled a lot after he left,” she shared. “She was a stay-at-home mom with part-time work, dealing with serious health issues and weight gain. She was in a dark place, feeling depressed and alone.”

“She reached out to my fiancé frequently, calling him, sending long emails and heartfelt texts, begging for another chance to save their family,” the woman continued. “It was heartbreaking to witness. My fiancé felt guilty, but he always stayed true to our relationship. He reassured me that he chose me and that he regretted the pain he caused her and the kids. He believed in moving forward, not looking back.”

As the woman who was betrayed began to heal, it marked the start of the end of the affair relationship.

In her letter, the woman shared a surprising turn of events in her fiancé’s ex-wife’s behavior. “Out of the blue, she stopped reaching out directly,” the woman recounted. “Instead, she asked my fiancé to communicate with her through a parenting app. His eldest son told us that whenever he went to pick up his younger brother, his mom wasn’t around. For me, it was a relief.”

“Then, we learned something unexpected,” the woman continued. “My fiancé’s youngest son mentioned someone named ’Uncle P’ in conversations. It turned out to be one of my fiancé’s best friends who had cut ties with him after our affair came to light. They hadn’t spoken since. Well, it seemed ’Uncle P’ and my fiancé’s ex-wife were now dating.”

“At the same time, I discovered I was pregnant,” the woman added. “My fiancé’s demeanor changed noticeably. He seemed stressed from work, especially after switching jobs. He started coming home late, always glued to his phone. His behavior was completely different from what I was used to.”

The situation was becoming extremely dangerous.

In her heartfelt account, the woman shared a distressing incident that unfolded just two months ago. “I received a call from my partner, he was at the police station, and he needed me to pick him up,” she recounted. “It turned out he had gone to his ex-wife’s house late at night and got into a physical altercation with his former friend. He even accused his ex-wife of having an affair with his once-best friend.”

“My partner had a complete breakdown,” the woman continued, her voice filled with concern. “It was unlike anything I had ever seen. He’s always been so composed, but suddenly, he was like a different person. He became fixated on his ex-wife, constantly checking her social media, and interrogating his kids and family about her whereabouts.”

Despite the turmoil, the woman disclosed that her partner had agreed to seek therapy and was currently undergoing treatment. However, she admitted that their relationship remained strained, even after the birth of their child.

She decided that leaving him was the right thing to do.

“I sense that his heart and mind are no longer fully invested in our relationship, and I’m contemplating leaving,” she confided. She also confessed that coming to this decision wasn’t easy or quick, saying, “I still have feelings for him. I held onto hope that things would improve over time, and we’d become a happy family. But he’s so distant now, showing no care for me or our child.”

It was a gradual realization, but she recognized that things couldn’t continue like this, for her well-being and the sake of her child. “It’s painful, but I need to leave and focus on myself. I’ll fight to have custody of my child, and I’ll do everything to ensure we don’t repeat the same situation with my husband’s ex-wife.”

Dealing with situations like this can be really tiring. Another woman found herself in a tough spot when her husband’s ex-wife began asking for financial help. She even went as far as requesting them to build a house for her and her kids on their property.