4 Things You'll Notice If Your Partner Is Cheating On You

Infidelity can happen in any relationship, and the aftermath can be truly

nfidelity can happen in any relationship, and the aftermath can be truly awful to cope with. If you have a feeling something could be going on between bae and someone else, there are some things you'll notice if your partner is cheating on you to keep an eye out for. When the signs a partner might be seeing someone else are there, it's important not to turn a blind eye. Even though denial can be tempting, it does nothing to address the root of the problem.

Another thing that's worth thinking about is how you personally define cheating, because it's all too easy to falsely assume you and your partner are on the same page. When does flirting with someone cross the line? Or is flirting in and of itself crossing the line? Maybe you define cheating as anything physical, or perhaps it's overstepping an emotional boundary. Having these discussions with your SO early on can ensure that there's little room for misinterpretation. If you suspect something's up, relationship writer and dating expert Demetrius Figueroa recommended keeping track of the things that are making you suspicious.

"A cheater will rarely, if ever, admit to cheating without proof. So if you want an honest answer, the best way might be to build a case that they're cheating, present it to them, and ask for an honest answer," Figueroa previously told Elite Daily. So, here are some signs your SO might have something to hide.

The intimacy between the two of you suddenly changes.

Although sex might not be the single most important element of a relationship, without physical intimacy, sustaining a romantic relationship is difficult at best.

"[If there's] a gradual or sudden lack of interest in intimacy coupled with no effort to discuss the change in frequency of sex," this could mean your partner is fulfilling their needs elsewhere, licensed psychologist Gregory Kushnick previously told Elite Daily.

Their schedule changes.
According to a previous interview with noted psychotherapist Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, if you notice your partner "suddenly has lots of late night meetings at work," or "runs errands at the last minute, and late at night," this could be a sign that there's someone else in the picture.
They stop interacting with you on social media.

"If you're in a photo [with them], it's with a group so as to not signal a romantic connection. And the worst case scenario is that they haven't connected with you on social media at all," NYC-based love and life coach Susan Winter previously told Elite Daily. "They claim it's not important or give reasons why it would be detrimental to your relationship, but the bottom line is, you're excluded."

Not wanting to look attached on social media is a sneaky way for someone in a relationship to make themselves seem available to others who might be interested. If they're not full-on cheating, this could be a hint that there's some micro-cheating going on.


They leave the room to make calls or text.

According to Winter and Figueroa, if a partner goes out of their way to frequently take calls and text privately, it could be a sign that they're up to no good. However, if this is an isolated red flag, it may be a good idea to wait and see if any more suspicious behaviors come up.

Even though it can be a very painful experience, experts say it is possible for a relationship to survive infidelity. That said, deciding whether to end things with someone who cheated or give the relationship another shot is an extremely personal decision only you can make. If you've noticed these signs and think your partner may be seeing someone else, psychotherapist Barton Goldsmith believes starting a conversation is the best course of action.

"One of the best things you can do in a situation like this is to talk about it with your partner," Dr. Goldsmith wrote for Psychology Today. "You need to ask those tough questions and admit to your feelings. Unfortunately, if the one you share your bed with is unwilling to have this conversation, it will only give rise to greater suspicion."

In the end, if talking things out only makes you question their fidelity more, Dr. Goldsmith noted that seeking professional help is also a good option. Even though having these kinds of conversations isn't easy, open communication is definitely a step in the right direction.