12 True Events That Are the Definition of the Word “Strange”

Life can throw us into a whirlwind of emotions when we least expect it. Whether it’s a stranger saying something curious to us, experiencing unexplained paranormal activity, or something we?

Life can throw us into a whirlwind of emotions when we least expect it. Whether it’s a stranger saying something curious to us, experiencing unexplained paranormal activity, or something we ourselves do that defies explanation, our existence is filled with unexpected twists and turns, even though they may seem strange at times.

One night, I was experiencing intense stomach cramps. They were really painful, and I was rocking back and forth in discomfort. Suddenly, my kitten approached me, looked at me for a moment, and then jumped onto my lap. He moved towards my stomach and began purring loudly. I remember thinking, “What is he doing?”
However, as he continued purring, I started to feel relief, and the intensity of my cramps began to diminish. After he stopped purring, he simply sat in my lap. It was the weirdest and coolest thing that had ever happened to me. © Mistymuse20 / Reddit
In my early 20s, working as a cook, my eyesight suddenly went black. I was blind for about 30 seconds, but I kept making the salad that was ordered. Then I could see again. It never happened again. © mrschaney / Reddit
When I was around 11, my family moved into a townhouse, where we lived for about half a year. One day, as I walked up the stairs to my room, I turned the corner into the hallway and saw a mirror image of myself staring directly into my eyes. It disappeared after just a second or two. I’m unsure if I believe in supernatural occurrences, but the experience felt incredibly real to me. © AIHTDID / Reddit

My boyfriend and I were downstairs in the kitchen, preparing dinner. We were the only ones in the house. I went upstairs to retrieve something, and suddenly a shoe came flying at me from the top of the stairs, narrowly missing me as it sailed over my shoulder.
We didn’t have any pets, and when I had my boyfriend investigate, everything seemed normal and unchanged. It was quite a shock to dodge that shoe—it had clearly been launched directly at me. © Unknown author / Reddit

I walked home from school alone, which normally takes 20 minutes, but this time it took me 3 hours. My parents were freaking out, and I had no idea why. It’s still unsolved. © goldenewsd / Reddit
My sister and I were sitting on the couch, just chilling out, when suddenly something threw the candles that were on top of the TV to the floor. No, they didn’t just fall; they flew down as if someone had thrown them. Both my sister and I saw this happen. © onigidi / Reddit
I was walking to my friend’s house one summer, around 10 or 11 years old. It was a sunny day with a few clouds, but generally bright with perfect visibility. Suddenly, a perfectly rectangular shadow appeared on the ground behind me, roughly 15 feet by 30 feet in size. It moved faster than a car would, passing directly over me.
I watched the shape on the ground as it went by, and when I glanced up at the sky, there was nothing visible that could have cast such a shadow. Even the clouds only had small, wispy trails. Looking back down, I saw the shadow moving over some houses before disappearing completely. © dIbodIb / Reddit
When I was 7 years old, I fantasized before sleeping about not going to school the next day and visiting a famous amusement park instead. The next morning, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was my dad smiling and holding four tickets to that exact amusement park. © Itserp / Reddit

I was on a public bus minding my own business until a gorgeous woman next to me started to breastfeed her baby, but the baby wouldn’t take it. She smiled at me, then I heard her say, “Come on, drink it, or I’ll have to give it to this nice man here.”
Five minutes later, the baby was still not feeding, and she repeated, “Come on, honey. Take it, or I’ll give it to this nice man here.”
A few minutes later, I got frustrated and blurted out, “Come on, kid. Make up your mind! I was supposed to leave four stops ago!” © jubileo5 / Reddit

One time, I was walking home. About three blocks from my place, an old woman (imagine the wicked witch in any fairy tale) was standing in the doorway to her house. The front door was open, but the screen was shut.
She said hello to me and referred to me by name. I had never seen her before, had no idea who she was, and I never saw her again. © Unknown author / Reddit
I started birdwatching, and a couple of months ago, I had a dream about seeing a violet-green swallow for the first time. It was incredibly beautiful, and the experience stuck with me. Then, a few weeks ago, I actually saw a violet-green swallow in real life. It felt like a small spiritual moment for me, seeing something I had dreamed about come to life. © Unknown author / Reddit
It was the middle of the night. I went to get a glass of water and walked into the dining room from the kitchen. The next thing I knew, I was flying backwards, back into the kitchen, and landed in front of the refrigerator. Our security camera even has a video showing me suddenly being launched backwards. © minimagoo77 / Reddit
Among the emotions we dread the most is disgust. In this article, we have compiled a collection of true events about people who experienced disgust in unsettling ways, guaranteed to make you shudder as well.