12 Stories About People Who Witnessed the Acts of True Kindness

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the day, we stop paying attention to what is happening around us, and it seems as if everyone has become indifferent. But if you stop for a second and

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the day, we stop paying attention to what is happening around us, and it seems as if everyone has become indifferent. But if you stop for a second and look around, you will notice that the world is full of good people. And if you suddenly think that everyone has become a bit cold-hearted, just read these 12 stories.

When I was a little girl, my dad left my mum and took all our valuables and money. We were left with nothing. When my mum’s boss found out about it, he let us stay in his country house because before that my mum and dad had been renting an apartment. He raised my mum’s salary, and later she was able to rent a place on her own and raise me as a happy child. © Not everyone will understand / VK
I was riding the subway after evening classes. Suddenly I felt weakness, nausea, my sight became foggy, a ringing sound appeared in the ears. For some reason, my body decided to faint.
I thought that I should sit down somewhere, maybe I would feel better. There were no free seats in the car, but the train was just approaching the station. I got out and realized I couldn’t get to the bench. I did the only thing I had left to do: I sat down on the floor.
Immediately, 5 or 6 people stopped and started asking me what happened. They helped me get up and walk to the exit. Someone offered to give me a lift, and the others left only after they were sure that they were leaving me in safe hands. Meanwhile, I wished I had some chocolates with me to give to my saviors. © valueyourwine / Pikabu
We made friends with the neighbors. It so happened that we all moved into the house almost at the same time, and we were all about the same age. We used to spend time with the kids in the playground, so we got to know each other.
And somehow it turned out that I was home more often than everyone else, because of my job. The neighbors started asking for help: they could leave the keys to their apartment during holidays, or ask for some tools or to give them a lift. In general, I never refused anyone.
And then one day my car broke down. I was standing at the entrance, waiting for a taxi, and at that time, 4 of my neighbors came out. All of them, having learned that I was waiting for a taxi, handed me their car keys. I was amazed. I refused, of course, but it felt really nice. © picabushnik87 / Pikabu

My daughter’s prom was coming up, but our budget was very tight. I decided to check online and found a very beautiful dress, though it was second-hand. Even though I didn’t have enough money, I decided to go for it. I arrived, told the woman who was selling the dress everything as it was, and she looked me up and down and said, “I can give it to you for free, no problem.”
It turned out that the family was wealthy, and the daughter was very spoiled and never wore the same dress twice. And the mother didn’t want to throw it away. So, she posted an ad. So, I got the dress for free and gave it to my daughter. And it looked very nice on her. © Not everyone will understand / VK
My sister recently got divorced and moved to a smaller house in a smaller town. She works full-time and has 2 little, rambunctious boys. Ever since she has moved, she’d send me messages like, “I forgot to take out the trash last night, but it was down this morning...I think one of my neighbors did it?” and “I got home from work and somebody brought my trash cans back up!” When spring hit, she was like, “Someone mowed my lawn?”
This has been happening for months! She has never brought her own trash cans up after pick up, but she has never seen who did it in order to thank them. The other day, her youngest son had surgery, so she happened to be home. A company came and mowed her lawn. She went out to talk to them, and they pointed out the neighbor’s house.
She went to talk to the neighbor, and he said that he’s the one who has been doing her trash, and he’s been paying his lawn guys to mow her lawn. He assured her he’s only paying for it because his lawn mower is broken. As soon as it’s fixed, he’ll mow her lawn himself. It’s just amazing. © hankiepanki / Reddit

An elderly lady misdialed and left a voicemail extending an invitation to some event she was holding. She sounded so hopeful that it was heartbreaking to think she might feel rebuffed or neglected while not realizing they’d never received her message. I called her back to let her know she needed to recheck the number she’d tried calling so no one missed her event. It turned out that she was trying to arrange for her 90th birthday later this year. © Unknown author / Reddit
I’m riding the subway and see a girl just walk up to a guy and hand him his portrait. She was sitting across from him and drew it while travelling a couple of stations. © AlexandrZayac / Pikabu
I had to urgently take my cat to the vet a couple of weeks ago. He got poisoned badly. I saw a taxi parked under the house. I put my pet in a carrier, ran downstairs and asked the driver to give me a lift for any money.
The man turned out to be very nice, drove as fast as he could, supported me while we were travelling. I was almost in tears. I paid, jumped out of the car. And he said that he’d wait for me while they examined the cat.
He didn’t even charge me for the waiting time because he was so empathetic. He said he had a few pets at home and could relate to my worries. © Not everyone will understand / VK

My ex-husband made good money. When our family started to fall apart, I realized that my salary and his child support money would be enough for me and my son to live quite well. We got divorced. He moved into his small apartment that he’d bought before we got married.
A couple of weeks later, he showed up and handed me the keys to his apartment. He said, “Rent it out and live off the money.” He quit his job and went to the village to his parents, started beekeeping with his father. But he often visited us to see our son.
Once he came with 2 jars of honey and said, “Sell it if you want, or eat it if you want.” In the end, I rented out the apartment and sold the honey. A year later, we got back together and moved to the village. But if I had agreed to move earlier, and he had insisted, we wouldn’t have divorced at all. © Overheard / Ideer
My upstairs neighbors have 2 kids that consistently stomp and roughhouse and even though it can be much at times, my wife and I let it go because New York City isn’t exactly a place you can let them run around wild outside. And today we found a present and a note of apology by our door. © MSotallyTober / Reddit

In 1981, a pediatrician saved the life of a 3.2lb premature baby boy by working around the clock and beating the odds to stabilize him. In 2011, the same pediatrician was pinned inside a burning vehicle after a car collision, but was saved by a paramedic who turned out to be the premature baby he saved 30 years earlier. © TheEpsilonToMyDelta / Reddit
When I was at uni, there was a student I liked. I really wanted to ask her out, but I didn’t have money at the time. I walked around feeling down until the chef who ran our student canteen noticed me. He told me to come with the girl to the courtyard of the university, where there was a small park with tables, at about 10 p.m.
When we came, one of the tables was already set: salads, meat, desserts. The chef sometimes approached us as if we were his dear guests, refilled our coffee cups, asked if we wanted more dessert. At that moment, I was happy. Now, 12 years later, I still remember this man and admire how big his heart was. © Rakhymjun / Pikabu
But not all acts of kindness get appreciated in the end. Check out these stories.