God Has Not Forgotten About You

Read God's Message To You
My dear Child, it is not your time yet.
I know you are tired of waiting on Me.
I know you are growing weary and impatient.
But, I want you to rest today knowing that I have NOT forgotten about you.
The things I have planned for you are not far off, but they are not ready yet. The answers you long for are not here yet, it's not your time yet. I am still molding you My child, I am still working on preparing your heart. I am shaping you and transforming your soul, even as you read this.
I want to remind you to slow down. Don't be in such a hurry.
If you look at your past you will see that every time I came through for you, it was My perfect timing and you had all you needed.
Stop trying to fix everything yourself.
When you do this you miss the things I want for you.
I know My child that sometimes this process seems too long, it seems too hard, but trust in My faithfulness and find rest in My promises. Because, at the end of this season, you will be blessed My child.
You will have grown in your faith with Me.
You will come out stronger, wiser, and more sturdy in our foundation.
Take these moments when you are restless, harness these times when you feel lost, take hold of the fact that you can always count on Me. And, when it is your time, when your path is ready, things will happen in a snap. You will receive all I have for you, I will bless you with My favor and goodness.
You will see a new dimension of My love for you.
But, until that time comes My beloved, choose to rest in My presence, find solitude in your trust in Me, and watch as things unfold in My perfect timing.