If you press this point on your leg, this is what it does to your body

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, particular spots on the body are thought to have the ability to impact many elements of health and wellness. One of the most importa

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, particular spots on the body are thought to have the ability to impact many elements of health and wellness. One of the most important of these locations is Stomach 36 (ST36), also known as the “Point of Endurance” or “Zusanli” in Chinese.

ST36, which is found on the leg, is well-known for its numerous therapeutic advantages. This page looks into the specifics of Stomach 36, including where it is situated, how to activate it, and the impact it may have on the body.


Understanding Stomach 36: Location and Significance.

Stomach 36 is located on the lower thigh, approximately four finger-widths below the kneecap and one finger-width lateral (on the outside) from the tibia (shinbone). It is one of the most important acupuncture sites on the body, connecting to the Stomach Meridian, a network of energy channels known as meridians in TCM.


This point is known as the “Point of Endurance” because of its significant impact on physical and mental stamina, general vitality, and immunological function. Acupuncturists and acupressure practitioners rely on it to address a wide range of health conditions.

The Health Advantages of Stimulating Stomach 36

1. Increasing Immune Function

One of the most well-known effects of pressing or needling ST36 is its capacity to boost the immune system. Regular stimulation of this region is thought to strengthen the body’s natural defenses, making it more resistant to illnesses, infections, and diseases. Some studies show that ST36 can boost white blood cell counts and improve the body’s ability to fight viruses, making it an important factor in preventative health care.


2. Improves Digestive Health

Stomach 36, as the name implies, is directly connected to the digestive system. Stimulating this region can assist regulate the stomach and intestines, reducing symptoms including indigestion, bloating, nausea, and constipation. It works especially well for people who suffer from stomach problems as a result of stress or worry. ST36 promotes the smooth movement of energy (Qi) through the stomach and spleen, hence maintaining a healthy digestive process.


3. Increasing energy and stamina.

ST36 is renowned for its potential to improve both physical and mental endurance. It is commonly taken by athletes and anyone who participate in physically demanding activities to increase energy and stamina. In TCM, this point is supposed to nourish the body’s Qi and blood, both of which are necessary for energy and life. Stimulating ST36 can also assist battle fatigue, making it an important point for individuals who are chronically fatigued or lack drive.

4. Regulating Blood Pressure

Another notable advantage of ST36 is its ability to manage blood pressure. Acupuncture and acupressure performed to this point have been demonstrated in certain trials to effectively reduce blood pressure, making it a natural treatment for hypertension. ST36, which balances the flow of energy and improves circulation, can help with cardiovascular health.

5. Reducing stress and anxiety

Stomach 36 has also been shown to have a significant influence on mental health. This point is frequently utilized to reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional strain. According to TCM, ST36 helps to balance the body’s energy, fostering tranquility and mental clarity. Regular stimulation of this spot can help relieve anxiety symptoms, increase mood, and improve general emotional well-being.

6. Supporting Longevity and Overall Well-Being

Stomach 36 is commonly referred to as a “longevity point” in TCM due to its wide-ranging effects to the entire body. It is utilized not just to address specific health conditions, but also to enhance overall wellbeing and longevity. Stimulating ST36 on a daily basis is thought to increase the body’s resilience, immunological function, digestion, and energy balance, all of which are necessary for a long and healthy life.

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How To Stimulate Stomach 36

Stomach 36 can be stimulated in a variety of ways, based on your preferences and the resources available:

1. Acupressure.

Acupressure includes applying pressure to the ST36 point with your fingers or a blunt instrument. To discover the point, look approximately four finger-widths below the kneecap and one finger-width to the outside of the shinbone. Press firmly yet softly on each leg for 2 to 3 minutes, using a circular motion. This can be done once a day to maintain overall health, or more regularly if treating particular conditions such as weariness or intestinal pain.

2. Acupuncture.

Acupuncture is the process of placing tiny needles into the ST36 point to provide more precise and perhaps more effective stimulation. This method should only be carried out by a professional acupuncturist. Acupuncture can deliver deeper stimulation of the point, making it very beneficial for chronic diseases or serious health problems.


3. Moxibustion.

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese treatment in which mugwort (an herb) is burned near the ST36 point to warm and invigorate the region. This practice is considered to improve the benefits of acupressure and acupuncture by introducing the element of heat, which can stimulate the Qi and circulation.

4. Electrical stimulation

Some practitioners utilize electrostimulation, which involves passing a tiny electrical current via the needles inserted at ST36. This can amplify the stimulation and is commonly employed in current acupuncture treatments to improve therapeutic outcomes.

Stomach 36, also known as the “Point of Endurance,” is a unique place on the body that provides several health advantages. Whether you want to enhance your immune system, improve digestion, gain energy, or simply maintain your general well-being, boosting ST36 can be an effective and natural method to help. By implementing acupressure or acupuncture at this site into your daily routine, you may tap into TCM’s ancient knowledge to improve your body’s resilience, vitality, and longevity.