These 3 Zodiac Signs Can Chill Out During September’s New Moon

According to astrologer Nina Kahn, these three zodiac signs will have an easier time with the new moon on Sept. 2, 2024.

Get your to-do list ready, because the last new moon of the summer is rising on Sept. 2, and it’s here to help you get productive and tidy up your life. With the sun and moon joining forces in meticulous earth sign Virgo, this weekend is a great time to lean into Virgo season’s perfectionist and improvement-focused vibes and set some practical intentions ahead of the autumn equinox. When it comes to manifesting and organizing, September’s new moon is a powerful one — and for a few lucky zodiac signs, working with its energy will be a breeze.

Virgo is the zodiac’s mutable earth sign, and it’s known for being grounded, helpful, and attentive. Under the rays of September’s new moon, everyone can bring some of Virgo’s down-to-earth but detail-oriented energy into their plans and focus on maintaining the wellness of their minds, bodies, and souls.

This lunation is a fabulous time to clean up any summer messes and be a little more nit-picky about what you’d like to invite into your life once things are tidied up. The sun and moon are sitting across the zodiac from the restrictive planet Saturn, so setting boundaries to protect the integrity of your intentions is a must. Maintaining a clutter-free space — whether physically, mentally, or emotionally — will allow you to see things more clearly and be more in tune with what’s best for you.

On top of being the last new moon of the summer, this is also the last lunation before eclipse season begins — and because it’s advisable to press pause on your manifestation practice during eclipse season, this is the last chance to set intentions with the lunar cycle from now until late October. All zodiac signs should use this opportunity to their advantage, and doing so will feel even more natural for the zodiac signs least affected by September’s new moon.

Aries (March 21 - April 19):

Aries will have a chill time under the September new moon.

Whether or not you’ve seen the inside of a classroom recently, you can use the back-to-school vibes of September’s new moon to your advantage. This lunation is rising in your routine-oriented sixth house, so organizing your calendar and implementing healthy new habits will feel a lot easier than usual. Even if you don’t sit down and set clear-cut intentions, you’ll probably find that you’re naturally gravitating toward positive shifts in your daily groove — think about adding a new exercise class to your calendar or trying some new productivity hacks at work. However you decide to use this energy, make sure you’re prioritizing your wellness.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer  will have a chill time under the September new moon.

This lunation is rising in your chart’s communication zone, so now’s a good time to apply Virgo’s precision and perfectionism to how you express yourself, Cancer. If there are conversations you need to bring up with people or ideas you’d like to work through in your head, take some time to yourself under this new moon to figure out a pragmatic and sensible way to approach the situation. Writing out your thoughts in a journal can be especially helpful for clarifying your feelings or planning what you’d like to share with someone else. Be true to yourself and approach your interactions with the world around you with a desire to improve things. If you do, your authenticity will shine through.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Libra will have a chill time under the September new moon.

September’s new moon has some potent power for helping people clean up their lives and embark on new journeys. But for you, Libra, the effects of this lunation might feel a bit more subtle. This new lunar cycle is kicking off in your sleepy and subconscious twelfth house, so a lot of the processing that’s taking place is going on behind the scenes instead of on the surface. Because of this, you need to take some time for yourself and try to connect with your intuition. Your conscious mind might not know the next steps to take super clearly, but your higher self has the answers — and if you quiet the outside chatter, you’ll be able to hear its voice.