15+ Stories About People Who Think the World Revolves Around Them

Anyone of us has likely encountered individuals who are convinced that everything revolves around them. They may act rudely and then be puzzled as to why others don’t like them. You can find these p

Anyone of us has likely encountered individuals who are convinced that everything revolves around them. They may act rudely and then be puzzled as to why others don’t like them. You can find these people in various places, whether on a bus or in the subway. However, it’s even more troubling when those close to you behave insensitively.

Story 1

My husband and I bought a 2-bedroom apartment. I work remotely, so I started using the small room as my office. Recently, my mother-in-law came to visit. While my husband was walking her around the apartment, I was making tea in the kitchen.

A minute later, she came in with my laptop in her hands and said, “There is someone’s computer in my room. Let’s not put anything there. You need to consult with me first.” I even froze and opened my mouth in surprise.

I know that my mother-in-law has no insecurities, but I didn’t expect such impudence from her. You see, she decided that one room rightfully belongs to her, so that she could come to visit us with a sleepover anytime. I told my husband about it, but he doesn’t believe that she could say that.


Story 2

Our family went on holiday to the sea. We booked an apartment with a kitchen. So, we are lying in the living room in shorts and T-shirts, and suddenly hear someone opening the door and going to the kitchen. We were stunned.


We went in, and there was a man. We say, “What are you doing here?” And he replies, “There’s no kitchen in my room, so I’ll cook here.” © Overheard / Ideer

For illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

Story 3

I’m hypersensitive to perfume: I get a terrible headache for a half a day from strong smells. Even if I walk past a perfume shop, I have to cover my nose with a scarf.


My mother-in-law takes advantage of that. She pretends that she cares for me, offers me help with the children, gives me money for holidays. But every time we meet, she uses a lot of perfume even on her outerwear.

When I remind her of my allergy, she smiles sweetly and says, “Oh, I forgot, sorry. Next time I won’t use perfume.” But this has been happening over and over again for 10 years. And my husband believes that his mum is an absolutely simple and ingenuous person. © Overheard / Ideer

Story 4

Standing in a long line at Safeway, a woman began shouting that “there needs to be another cashier!” On cue, a person stocking shelves was pressed into cashing out customers. Half the line shifted to the new register, but the demanding woman was out of position to lead the shift.

She immediately strode to the front of the new line (ahead of me, as I had been in the pole position in the new line). She loudly declared that “Nuh uh! This is me!”(Claiming what she felt was her rightful place at the front of the line). © Monterino Bonjevalien / Quora

Story 5

I’m pregnant, 28 weeks. My husband and I decided to go to the seaside while we still could. My mother-in-law immediately asked to come along, saying, “How exciting! I’ve wanted to go to the sea for a long time.”

We said, “Actually, we wanted to go alone there so that we had a chance to be just the two of us before the birth.” And she smiled wryly and said, “You will soon ask me to babysit. Thus, I need to rest.”

We subtly hinted to her that we don’t plan to ask her to babysit in the next couple of years. She got offended.


Story 6

A friend borrowed a small amount of money from me and didn’t give it back, and disappeared after that. A few years later we met by chance, and he offers me to resume our relationship, get each other’s phone numbers. And I remind him about his debt, and he says, “You know the past remains the past.” I said goodbye to this character for good. © Za****nV** / Pikabu

For illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

Story 7

My sister is married. Her husband has been out of work for 6 months. They have a daughter and she is pregnant. They couldn’t pay the rent and came to live with us.

Today she asked me to look after the baby because she wants to go back to work. But why should I look after the child after work when there is a father who is free as a bird? After I refused, she called me shameless, because I don’t have children and know nothing about life. © Chamber 6 / VK

Story 8

A friend got pregnant. Her boyfriend was far away earning money, her parents lived in another city. I helped her with everything, I even went to the hospital with her when she was in labor. And after all this, she said, “I would ask you to be our child’s godmother, but your status is not good enough for us…” © zajka.mozajka / Pikabu

Story 9

My friend (as I thought of him at the time) didn’t invite me to his wedding, although our relationship was excellent. Later, he started asking me when I’d get married, because he really wanted to have a good time at my wedding. I was amazed with this arrogance and didn’t know what to say.

This went on for years, until I finally found the right words. When he asked me again about my wedding plans, I told him, “Don’t worry, you invited me to your wedding, so I will invite you.” The look on his face was something else. © deonnix / Pikabu

Story 10

I have 6 children (2 biological and 4 adopted children). We live in the countryside. I own a small farm.

Recently, all families with many children were given 3D TVs. We refused, as we have regular television, it’s enough for us. The children are busy from morning till evening with studying, sports and hobbies.

And we have a neighbor, she has one child. We don’t communicate with her anymore because I turned down the TV set, but in her opinion I should have taken it and given it to her. Her daughter dreamed of this thing, and I, stupid and shallow, didn’t think of my friend. © Ward No. 6 / VK

Story 11

I used to do wedding photography and videography in the past. A guy I knew asked me to shoot his wedding with a 50% discount. But at the wedding, it turned out that they weren’t going to feed me.

I asked about food, and they brought me a plate with a thin layer of potatoes, greens and something else. I wish they hadn’t given me anything at all. I had originally planned to film till the end of the event, but after this dinner, I left in an hour. © deonnix / Pikabu

Story 12

My brother has been whining for years that he can’t find a woman. He recently met one, was thrilled, dated for 2 months, and then he dumped her. I asked, “What happened?” And he said, “Imagine, she asked me to call her a taxi home! I’m not a doormat!” © Overheard / Ideer

Story 13

I have my phone number on the car window. I’m sitting at home, the car is in the yard. I get a call from an unknown caller, “Can you please move the car?” “I’m on my way,” I reply.

I’m going down in the elevator and thinking, “I didn’t block anyone. I put the car in an empty space.” I come out of the entrance.


There’s a young guy next to my car, he says, “Your car is in my spot. I always park here.” I say, “How long has it been yours?” And he replies, “I’ve lived here for 3 months, I park here all the time.” I have lived in this house for over 30 years, and I have no right to say that I have my own parking place here. © fish.hleb / Pikabu

Story 14

I gave my wife a nice, expensive gift. I also made a gift to my mother-in-law – a beautiful scarf made of natural wool. But this gift was less expensive. So imagine, she wasn’t happy, as she was expecting something more solid. In the end, my wife wears this scarf. © talik123 / Pikabu

Story 15

My husband left me in the bus. He and I went to movies. There were only 2 empty seats in the bus: one near the driver and the other one in the back. I sat near the driver, and my husband took the second seat.

It was a short drive, but I didn’t know the way. When I was in the bus for too long, I called my husband, and at that moment it turned out that he was already watching the movie and had completely forgotten about me. © Chamber 6 / VK

Story 16

A friend asked me to do her wedding makeup for free, and I also gave her money as a wedding present. But she didn’t invite me to the wedding.
She explained that the event was only for the family. But I knew that there were also her coworkers and the friends of her husband. We are not friends anymore. It’s terrible when a person uses you like that. © Wildwildworld / Pikabu

Story 17

I was in line at a pizza restaurant to order a few slices of pizza with the girlfriend. A guy in front of us has already ordered and paid. He then clearly overhears us talking about what we want, which was the last 2 slices left.

The dude pulls out his wallet for a second time, and orders the last 2 slices, and walks away with a huge smile on his face after we made eye contact. The cashier (manager I’m assuming) ended up giving us 3 free slices until a fresh pizza came out. © ***Examination / Reddit