A wealthy wife’s baby and a poor widow’s baby are accidentally switched at birth, and they discover the truth 27 years later — Story of the Day.

Kylie had no idea that her son Logan wasn’t really hers until 27 years later when a DNA test revealed the shocking truth. She...

Kylie had no idea that her son Logan wasn’t really hers until 27 years later when a DNA test revealed the shocking truth. She was extremely angry and demanded answers from the hospital where she had given birth, only to find out her baby had been swapped with another woman’s.

Kylie came from a modest family and knew that while money could meet basic needs, love and family were more important. Her parents loved her and pushed her to go to university, even though they struggled financially. There, she met the love of her life, Sebastian Johnson.

Sebastian was rich and the only heir to his father’s business. Despite their differences, they got married and moved into a simple home in California.

When Kylie got pregnant three years later, Sebastian arranged for her to see the best doctor in town. But Kylie wanted to give birth at the same small hospital in California where her mother had. She thought, what could go wrong?

Unfortunately, Sebastian was away on a business trip when Kylie gave birth. By the time he got there, Kylie already had their baby in her arms.

“Sebastian!” she exclaimed happily. “Look at him! Isn’t he adorable?”

“He is, sweetheart. He’s beautiful, just like you! I love you both!” Sebastian kissed Kylie and gently held their newborn. The baby looked up at him with innocent eyes, and holding him filled Sebastian with joy. He couldn’t stop crying from happiness, feeling everything was perfect. He promised to be the best father, and Kylie would be the best mother.

As Logan grew, he shared similar features with them, like his black hair and brown eyes, which had changed from blue. So, they never suspected that he wasn’t their biological child.

People would often comment on Logan’s striking brown eyes, a trait in Sebastian’s family. “Your boy is gorgeous,” a mother once told Kylie at school. “He must take after his dad! Sons who resemble their fathers are lucky!” Kylie felt proud and couldn’t be happier.

Kylie and Sebastian gave Logan all the love they could and made sure he had everything he needed. Every year, they showered him with the best gifts. He got a PlayStation for his seventh birthday, a sleek black BMW for his eighteenth, and control of Sebastian’s businesses when he turned twenty-five.

Sadly, Sebastian passed away just two years after Logan joined the company. He died in a car accident while returning from a business trip.

Kylie was devastated, and Logan became the only family she had left. She found comfort in having him by her side, until Sebastian’s brother Steve suddenly showed up, demanding a share of the business.

“Come on, Kylie! You can’t keep everything for yourself! You don’t even know how to run a business!” he mocked.

“Get out of my house, Steve, or I’ll call the police!” she snapped back. “And for the record, the company belongs to my son! I won’t let you take anything!”

“Your so-called son, who doesn’t look anything like you or Sebastian? Be honest, did you adopt him and hide the truth all these years? Were you scared he’d leave you if he knew you’re not his real mother?”

“That’s enough, Steve!” she shouted. “LOGAN IS MY SON – HE’S MY FLESH AND BLOOD! He has his father’s dark brown eyes and black hair!”

Steve laughed mockingly. “That’s it, Kylie! That’s the only thing Logan has in common with you! What about his looks? He doesn’t resemble either of you! Think about it! And by the way, I’ll see you in court because that business is mine!”

“Who’s scared of you? I’m not going to let you win! I’ll take a DNA test to prove you wrong!” Kylie shouted. “Just wait!”

That week, Kylie took the DNA test, confident that Steve would be proven wrong and humiliated. She couldn’t wait to see his face when she showed him the results. But when the results came back, her world fell apart.

“0% MATCH? How is that even possible?” She was in shock. “This has to be a mistake! How can Logan not be my son?” She was so shaken that she had the test done again at a different hospital, but the results were the same.

Heartbroken, Kylie broke down in front of Logan. “Sweetie, I’m not your mother!” she sobbed, clutching the test results. “I can’t believe this! What happened to my baby? I know I gave birth to a healthy boy. Where is he?”

“Hey, Mom,” Logan said as he hugged her. “It doesn’t matter if you gave birth to me or not. You’ll always be my mom. You raised me and loved me my whole life. Let’s go find your son.”

Kylie hugged him back tightly. “I’m so sorry, Logan, for being so selfish.”

“It’s okay, Mom,” he replied. “How about we start by checking the hospital where you gave birth?”

“The maternity hospital…” Kylie paused, suddenly remembering. She hadn’t been the only one in her ward. There was another woman named Lily, a widow who also had a baby boy. When Lily left the hospital, Kylie had given her baby a cute blue cap because she felt sorry for her, knowing Lily wasn’t well off.

Now desperate for answers, Kylie rushed to the hospital.

“Where is my child? I know something happened. Give me Lily’s address! She was in the same room as me! Get her details now!” Kylie yelled at the hospital staff, demanding Lily’s information.

“Mom, calm down,” Logan urged.

“I can’t, Logan! Look at him—he’s avoiding eye contact. He’s definitely hiding something!”

“We can’t share patient records,” Dr. Harrison explained. “That’s against our policy.”

“How about a lawsuit then? I’m sure you have the funds to fight it!” Kylie threatened.

“What? No, please!” he pleaded. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner, but we’re a small hospital, and a court case would be costly. We fired the nurse who switched your child. She admitted her mistake. I was a junior doctor back then. I deeply apologize!”

“Give me the address!” Kylie demanded. “Now! I just want my son! If I don’t get him back, be ready for a lawsuit!”

In the end, Dr. Harrison gave her the address.

Kylie and Logan drove to Lily’s house, but when they arrived, they were shocked at the run-down cottage she lived in.

Logan knocked, and when the door opened, they saw a young man who looked just like Sebastian. Kylie was overwhelmed and grabbed Logan’s arm. “You’re my son,” she whispered. “IT’S YOU!”

“Excuse me?” the young man asked, confused. “I think you have the wrong address. I’m David Morris, Lily Morris’ son. But who’s this man with you? He looks just like… my father!”

“Could you please let Lily know that Kylie is here to see her?” Kylie asked.

“She can’t come to you. You’ll have to come inside,” David replied.

Kylie and Logan followed David inside and saw Lily lying in bed, looking frail and sick. Her face was lined with wrinkles, dark circles under her eyes, and her cheeks were sunken. She had a tumor but didn’t have the money for treatment.

“Kylie? Oh, it’s you… but this boy…” Lily’s eyes fell on Logan, who looked just like her late husband. “Oh dear… he…”

“Yes, Lily,” Kylie said. “Our sons were switched at birth. The hospital made a mistake, and I only found out today. But what happened to you? How did you get so ill?”

“What?” David gasped. “You mean… You’re saying…”

“Yes, David,” Kylie confirmed. “Logan is actually Lily’s son, and I am your biological mother. It’s all a mess.”

“No way!” David shouted. “And you expect me to just leave? My mom has done everything for me all these years. She gave me the best books, toys, everything I needed. I’m not leaving her, especially now when she needs me. She’s everything to me!”

“Hey, David,” Logan said, “we’re not trying to take her away from you. How about we all move in together? Look, I have an amazing mom too—yeah, it’s crazy because she’s your biological mom, but she’s awesome. And Lily is my birth mom. Let’s live like brothers. I’ll make sure Lily gets treated at the best hospital! You won’t have to worry about anything, I promise!”

“I don’t need any handouts… but can you really get my mom treated?”

“Of course, I can.”

“I’ll repay you as soon as I can… Thank you so much!”

“Oh, come on!” Logan said, pulling David into a hug.

Soon, David and Lily moved in with Logan, and Lily got the medical treatment she needed. Logan even hired David after he went through a standard interview and his qualifications were reviewed—David insisted on going through the normal process. Meanwhile, Logan’s uncle lost the court case, as all of Sebastian’s assets had been legally transferred to Logan.

That Easter, Kylie and Lily gave the boys matching blue crocheted caps, just like the one Kylie had given Lily years ago. “They look exactly the same,” Kylie said as she handed them over. “You wouldn’t know which one belonged to you if I switched them, just like our love for both of you. You are both our sons, and we are both your mothers. Don’t ever forget that.”