A Tale of Discovery and Closure

Ryan stood outside the church, feeling the weight of grief on his shoulders. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye to his father just yet. As he contemplated the lack of a proper funeral, Bella, his loyal canine companion, drew his attention with her sharp barks.


Bella’s barking grew more insistent by the minute, echoing through the quiet parking lot. Other mourners who had arrived early turned their heads, curious about the commotion. Ryan signaled Bella to lie down, but she continued to whine and paw at the car door. He patted her head through the window and urged her to stay put.


Ryan entered the church, ignoring Bella’s persistent whines. The casket, already closed and cordoned off due to Arnold’s infectious disease, was prominently placed at the front. The gathering of family and friends murmured in respect and sadness, their voices hushed.

Bella’s barking became louder and more frantic, unusual for her especially in an unfamiliar place. Ryan’s concern grew as he acknowledged Bella’s exceptional intuition. Something wasn’t right.

Bella broke free from the car, rushing into the church and heading straight for the coffin. Her barking intensified, and she stood by the casket, nose sniffing furiously. The attendees gasped in shock, but Ryan gestured for them to stay back.


Kneeling beside Bella, Ryan’s heart raced. Was his loyal companion trying to communicate something? He stared at the casket, suspicions mounting. The dog’s behavior couldn’t be ignored. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and slowly opened the lid.

The room fell silent as Ryan’s eyes widened in disbelief. The casket was empty. His father’s body was missing. Gasps and whispers filled the air. Where could his father’s body be? How could this happen?

The funeral director, visibly shaken, assured Ryan that he had no idea how this situation unfolded. Contacting the authorities was crucial. Ryan nodded, but his focus remained on Bella, hoping her keen sense of smell could guide them.

“Bella, find,” Ryan commanded softly, desperate for answers. The dog sniffed the air, nose working furiously, then dashed towards the back of the church. Ryan hurried after her, his heart pounding.


They burst through a side door into a dimly lit hallway. Bella led Ryan to a storage room at the end. Scratching at the door and barking urgently, Bella’s instincts demanded attention. Ryan pushed the door open and froze, staring at the scene before him.

On a makeshift stretcher lay his father’s body. A man, one of the hospital workers that had handled Arnold’s remains, stood over him, looking startled and guilty. A mix of anger and confusion swelled within Ryan as he confronted the intruder.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ryan’s voice trembled with fury and disbelief.

The man stammered, admitting he was paid to take the body. Shocked, Ryan demanded to know who was responsible. With fear in his eyes, the man revealed that he didn’t know the person’s name, only that they needed the body for experiments and had paid him handsomely.