13 Secrets To Keeping a Clean and Orderly House

Maintaining a clean house may seem daunting, but it’s something that many people master with ease, and here are some tips.

Maintaining a clean house may seem daunting, but it’s something that many people master with ease. Ever wonder how those with consistently tidy homes make it happen? The truth lies in adopting specific habits and systems. Here, we’ll uncover the secrets of people who always seem to have spotless homes.


1. Smooth Surfaces Matter

One of the first things people with clean homes focus on is keeping surfaces clear. Large flat areas like countertops and tables tend to attract clutter, from stray mail to random items. By ensuring these areas are free of junk, your home instantly looks more organized and feels easier to clean. Additionally, smooth surfaces make daily wiping down faster and more efficient. Clear the clutter, and the entire space will feel cleaner.


2. The Dish Duty Routine

Letting dishes pile up in the sink is a sure way to start the day off on the wrong foot. People with consistently clean homes take care of the dishes immediately. This means loading the dishwasher after meals or washing pots and pans before going to bed. By keeping the sink clear, you’re not only preventing messes but also avoiding the daunting task of scrubbing dried food the next morning.


3. A Place for Everything

A hallmark of an orderly home is having designated spots for everything. Whether it’s a hook for keys, a bin for shoes, or a basket for mail, organizing items into specific spaces minimizes clutter. When everything has a home, tidying up becomes a quick task rather than a monumental effort. It’s also easier to keep things off counters and floors when you know exactly where they should go.


4. Cleaning Systems in Place for A Clean House

5. Decluttering is Key

Even if you’re not a self-proclaimed collector, clutter tends to accumulate over time. Clean homes employ strategies like the “one in, one out” rule: for every new item brought into the house, something old is donated, sold, or thrown away. Regularly decluttering ensures that your home remains spacious and free from unnecessary items, making it easier to clean and organize.

6. Shoes Off at the Door

Clean homes often start at the front door. By removing shoes immediately upon entering, you reduce the amount of dirt, toxins, and debris that get tracked through the house. This simple habit prevents unnecessary dirt from getting on your floors and carpets. Additionally, consider adopting the practice of changing out of outdoor clothes, as they can carry dust and allergens into your home environment.


7. Clean as You Go

One of the biggest secrets to maintaining a spotless home is cleaning as you go. People with tidy homes don’t let messes accumulate. Instead, they tackle small tasks like folding laundry as soon as it’s done, rearranging pillows at the end of the day, or wiping down counters after cooking. This habit of immediate action prevents clutter from piling up and keeps the home in a constant state of tidiness.


8. Creative Storage Solutions

When it comes to storage, people with organized homes get creative. Utilizing over-the-door organizers, under-bed bins, or stacking baskets can maximize space while keeping items neatly tucked away. These solutions help keep your home clutter-free by providing accessible places for everyday items without sacrificing aesthetic appeal.


9. They Make Organizing Look Good

Not only do clean homes function well, but they also look beautiful. By treating storage as part of the home’s décor, the process of organizing becomes enjoyable. Whether it’s color-coding a closet or using matching baskets for storage, these touches make the organization feel intentional and attractive. When organizing is visually pleasing, you’re more likely to maintain it.


10. Hiring Help When Needed for A Clean House

While hiring a professional cleaning service may not be an option for everyone, those who can afford it often do so. But more than just getting a deep clean, these households use cleaning services as motivation to stay on top of daily tasks. Knowing a cleaner will be arriving makes people more likely to tidy up beforehand, ensuring surfaces are clear and things are in order for the professional to do their best work.


11. Task Delegation for A Clean House

In homes where more than one person lives, keeping things tidy is a shared responsibility. Whether it’s dividing chores among family members or roommates, people with clean homes know how to delegate. Having everyone pitch in not only ensures that no one person feels overwhelmed but also keeps the house in a constant state of upkeep. It also teaches responsibility and accountability.


12. Making Cleaning Enjoyable

For some, cleaning is far from fun. However, people with tidy homes often find ways to make the task more enjoyable. Whether it’s listening to music, a podcast, or an audiobook, turning the cleaning process into a more pleasant experience helps motivate them. By associating cleaning with something enjoyable, it becomes less of a chore and more of an activity to look forward to.


13. Using Everyday Items for A Clean House

People with clean homes often get creative with their cleaning supplies. Everyday household items like coffee filters, vinegar, and old t-shirts can be repurposed for cleaning windows or polishing surfaces. These simple, inexpensive alternatives not only make cleaning easier but also reduce the need for costly or harsh cleaning products. By thinking outside the box, they keep their homes clean with minimal effort.

Incorporating these habits into your daily routine can make a significant difference in how clean and organized your home stays. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming; with a few small changes, you too can enjoy the feeling of living in a constantly clean and clutter-free space.