Millennial Mom Reaches Out To Ask How Her Mom And Others Balanced Raising A Family With Life And A Debate Is Raging

There is no doubt that we live in a different world than our parents.
They also lived in a different world from their parents, and it has gone that way throughout history.

When you become a parent, you begin to recognize how much work is involved in the process. You might also wonder how your mother and father managed to take care of the children, have a successful career, and balance everything in their life.

One person who was also wondering about this was FamPhiji. She is a mother who has a TikTok following, and she struggled to understand how mothers in the past managed their lives so successfully. She even reached out to her followers to find out more.
She said: "How were you able to wake up, get yourself dressed, get me ready, take me to daycare or school, go to work, work a full shift, get off, pick me up, take me home, make sure I was fed, make sure l was bathed, put me to bed, wake up and do it all over again. For years and years and years.

"I'm just not seeing it. My mom was so serious about going to work that if I was sick, I had to go to school for at least half a day. Because I'm not messing up my attendance and she has got to go to work. I was that girl that had perfect attendance every year.

"But I'm tired. I don't know if I can do this. How am I supposed to have the energy to do all of this? Where do I find the patience? How do you find time to clean, cook, keep the house together? Time for yourself? Where is the balance?.

"I'm not seeing the work-life balance. There is not enough hours in the day to do all this. There's not enough hours in the day. Math is still not mathing to me. I don't know."

When you consider everything that mothers did, it's amazing to think that they did get it all done. On top of what we see on the surface, there was a lot of discrimination going on in the workplace at the time and it just made matters worse.

Some employers would see being a mother as being a distraction and a financial risk for the company. When it came to maternity leave, sometimes the position just wouldn't be there when the mom was ready to come back to work.

In addition, if a woman wanted to get hired, she might have difficulty doing so because of the possibility of having children. It might even be more difficult if she already had children.

On the other hand, it was seen as a positive thing for men to have children. They were considered to be in somewhat of a prestigious role at that time, and he may have been rewarded as a result.
After posting the video, many people commented. Some were saying that they have apologized to their mother since they became a mother because they recognize everything that she went through.
Others told their own story.

On top of it, mothers back in the day would cook real meals because there was no fast food and no microwave meals being put on the table.

As far as the mothers answering, they really just said that they made their children a priority. They had certain things that they needed to do in life and they made sure that they did it.

In addition, the prices were different back then. You could get an apartment for a relatively fair price but today, you have to work a full-time job just to afford to live.

In the end, there are different challenges today than there were back when our parents were doing the same job. At the same time, we can't overlook the fact that they got it done.