K!ller Mom Who Punched Daughter To De*th ‘Sta’bbed By Fellow !nmates In Pris0n’

Ayeeshia was only 21 months old when her own mother punched her in the chest in May 2014. The force of the blow caused Ayeeshia to bite through her tongue and broke three of her ribs. It also caused a

Ayeeshia was only 21 months old when her own mother punched her in the chest in May 2014.

The force of the blow caused Ayeeshia to bite through her tongue and broke three of her ribs. It also caused a tear in her heart, and she died.

Her mother, twenty-three-year-old Kathryn Smith, was rightfully found gu!lty of m*rder.

Image Credit: PA

Smith, a known dr*g add!ct, is serving her 24-year sentence at Foston Hall women’s pris0n in Derbyshire.

Her !nmates had been planning to at*ack her for some time, but no one wanted to get any extra time added to their sentence.

Image Credit: SWNS.com

They finally went through with the at*ack when Smith was in a stairwell.

Two !nmates at*acked her and about 10 others stood and watched.

Image Credit: SWNS.com

The entire inc!dent was recorded on video surveillance. Smith was punched and even sta’bbed with a homemade knife.

During the four-minute at*ack, Smith was howling in pa!n and ended up with a cut across her cheek that is about an inch long.

Image Credit: Bruce Adams / DailyMail

One witness said that the two women who at*acked her went all out and Smith was in bad shape when it was all over.

Image Credit: SWNS.com

Experts who have seen her !njuries are saying that it looks like she was in a high-speed car crash.

Some of the staff said that not many people at the pris0n have much sympathy for Smith.

Image Credit: SWNS.com

You know the saying “what comes around goes around.”

An official from the pris0n has denied that any we*pon was used during the at*ack and has stated the two !nmates responsible have been disciplined.

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