Elon Musk Strikes Again: HBO Fires ‘Toxic’ Kathy Griffin After His Intervention

HBO apparently dismissed comic Kathy Griffin after she received a call from tech billionaire Elon Musk, in a decision that has many scratching their heads. Those familiar with the matter claim that Mu

HBO apparently dismissed comic Kathy Griffin after she received a call from tech billionaire Elon Musk, in a decision that has many scratching their heads.

Those familiar with the matter claim that Musk asked HBO officials to act because he was alarmed by Griffin’s actions.

Griffin is well-known in the comedy community and is known for her contentious and frequently disrespectful humor. Yet it appears that her behavior has now come back to haunt her.

Griffin’s dismissal was justified by her “toxic” behavior, according to a statement from HBO. The network made no more mention of Griffin’s recent social media behavior, although sources indicate that it may have been important.

Griffin, a strong opponent of Musk and his businesses in the past, vented her wrath on Twitter. She commented, “I can’t believe HBO would submit to a bully like Elon Musk. “Free speech is being clearly violated here.”

Yet, Musk did not appear to be concerned by the criticism. He tweeted, “I just phoned HBO to express my worries about Ms. Griffin’s actions.

“I have the same right to do that as she has to express her opinion. Accountability, not censorship, is the focus here.

The news of Griffin’s dismissal has prompted a contentious debate online, with many debating the proper role for influential people like Musk in influencing the entertainment sector.

Others have complimented him for taking a stand against what he perceives as destructive behavior, while others have accused him of exploiting his power to stifle voices with which he disagrees.