How To Remove Rust From Doors And Windows Without Painting Them: 4 Infallible Tricks

Humidity issues enter the home with rain, and it can also peel paint and lead to the development of rust stains on metal surfaces, particularly on windows and exterior doors. Corrosion, commonly known



Humidity issues enter the home with rain, and it can also peel paint and lead to the development of rust stains on metal surfaces, particularly on windows and exterior doors.

Corrosion, commonly known as rust, occurs when iron in metals reacts with oxygen and water, leading to surface deterioration. In this article, we propose 4 methods to effectively remove rust from doors and windows.


Rust is not only an aesthetic problem, but can weaken objects, making them less efficient. In the case of doors and windows, if not resolved in time, the rust problem can negatively affect the functioning of the objects.

1. Remove rust with aluminum foil


As bizarre as it may seem, this method is one of the most effective against rust.


Cut pieces of aluminum foil and make balls of about 3 centimeters in diameter, then immerse them in water for 1 minute. Rub the balls on the rusty metal parts and you will see how they come back like new.

2. Remove rust with lemon


The acidity of lemon is perfect for removing rust on metal objects. Pour the lemon juice into a container, add half a spoonful of salt and mix.

Apply to areas affected by rust and leave for a couple of hours, then scrub with a toothbrush.

3. Remove rust from metal with Coca Cola

It is not just a refreshing drink: Coca Cola, as well as other similar drinks, are among the best allies for eliminating rust from metal.

Apply the beverage onto the areas affected by rust and let it sit for a few minutes. Afterward, use fine sandpaper to scrub and eliminate the rust.

4. Remove rust from metal with baking soda



Place four tablespoons of baking soda into a fresh container and combine it with 100 ml of water. Administer the resulting solution onto rusted surfaces and allow it to sit for a duration of 5 minutes.

Finally, use a toothbrush to scrub and remove the rust and then wipe with a clean cloth.


Now that you know how to remove rust from doors and windows , immediately apply the methods described above to make them look like new again.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.